Breeds: Help Me Pick!

If everyone in Alberta sent in *all* deceased fowl for necropsy and no blackhead was found then you could say that the chance of getting blackhead in Alberta was slim. But necropsies cost money, yes? They are practically free here in California ($20), and they are free in many states, but the majority of people just bury their dead birds.
Yeah, I'm not sure. All I'm saying is I haven't heard of any blackhead, or diseases, or poultry intermingling issues (i.e. pheasants and chickens. Game birds beside other fowl, etc):confused:
Hi there:)
So after having ducks, quail and now chickens I am caught up between quail and turkeys.
However due to the need for larger meals and more eggs I have decided on turkeys.
I am looking for a relatively pretty breed that lays a moderate amount of eggs, however often broods and hatches them (as I want to raise my own dinners and sell turkey poults or eggs). A smaller breed is fine as I have about 100 sq ft of coop space, and a 400 sq ft run area under expansion (I also have chickens who will share the run with them).
Preferably fairly docile (non flying if possible but I will gladly trim wings).

Did you decide what breed you go with? And running with the chicken may be an issues come breedings season, just thinking. We are debating on Bourbon Reds...
i had to giggle reading this whole thread. you asked for help and people chimed it but you only disregarded everything anyone said. im here in wisconsin and yes our winters get cold here too. but no one mentioned that the parasites/virus a chicken can carry sypmtom free can still be active in the soil for up to four years. you could indeed risk it as i too am contemplating swapping my poultry houses around, turkeys to chicken coop and chickens to turkey barn, but why take that risk? we put so much time and energy into our flocks i dont think its worth it for me. i do plan on swapping but hoping to move my current chicken coop and run to a neutral territory my chickens have not spent so much time on.
we can only learn what we are willing to learn. and sometimes for me mistakes made are the best lessons. maybe a smaller flock wouldnt matter so much. how many turkeys were you thinking? and are you planning to keeep some solely for eggs and breeding? if you were only raising a few along with your chickens with intentions of butchering i wouldnt be worried at all. but if you want to raise eggs and breed i would think having the healthiest flock possible would be the most important.
i hope i dont sound too condescending or harsh. if you got quail, id love to hear how they are going! they are such interesting birds and so damn cute!
and if it matters, we raised broad breasted bronze turkeys and ABSOLUTELY loved them. they are so incredibly social and friendly!

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