Bringing in new chick to flock


In the Brooder
Feb 21, 2019
Tacoma, Washington
Tomorrow I am getting a one week old Silkie chick. I have a flock of three chicks right now already, one 3 weeks old and two are 4 weeks old. The 4 week olds are Red Sex Links, and the 3 week old is a Black Leather Giant. I am looking for advice on the best way to bring in the new baby to the flock, please shout out your advice!

Thank you in advance!
Tomorrow I am getting a one week old Silkie chick. I have a flock of three chicks right now already, one 3 weeks old and two are 4 weeks old. The 4 week olds are Red Sex Links, and the 3 week old is a Black Leather Giant. I am looking for advice on the best way to bring in the new baby to the flock, please shout out your advice!

Thank you in advance!
just put it in....i did the same and jst put it with some older ones and they were fine.....they are 2 young to understand fighting at the moment
If they're still pretty small the other hens may just accept them and start to mother them naturally, but once they've grown in all of their feathers they'll likely be attacked by the older hens and I'd suggest waiting until they're larger (usually 10-12 weeks old so they can fend for themselves).

You can always just introduce them in a small area where you can keep an eye on them just to see how they react to one another and then just take it from there. I've also heard that setting up a small enclosed area within your actual run where the chicks can access safety from the bigger hens works well :)
Tomorrow I am getting a one week old Silkie chick. I have a flock of three chicks right now already, one 3 weeks old and two are 4 weeks old. The 4 week olds are Red Sex Links, and the 3 week old is a Black Leather Giant. I am looking for advice on the best way to bring in the new baby to the flock, please shout out your advice!

Thank you in advance!
How old is the silkie?
Just one single chick?
What are the other chicks living in now?
Split the chick area in case they don't get along and you need to separate them.
How old is the silkie?
Just one single chick?
What are the other chicks living in now?
Split the chick area in case they don't get along and you need to separate them.
you can;t have a chick on its own as they get lonely and will die....this happened to me
you can;t have a chick on its own as they get lonely and will die....this happened to me
Chicks don't die of 'loneliness'.
But it is definitely better to have more than one.
For the OP's situation, they could split the brooder with wire then the single chick won't be totally 'alone'.
Chicks don't die of 'loneliness'.
But it is definitely better to have more than one.
For the OP's situation, they could split the brooder with wire then the single chick won't be totally 'alone'.
well mine would jst eat drink and cheep all day until one day that it jst gave up and died????

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