BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

I hate seein' cardboard boxes under heat lamps w/in folks' homes, but you could romove the flaps, and lower on corner (and add the cardboard to the inside bottom, over a layer of plastic bags), that way there's less chance of ignition from the light (there should be 18" min. between the bulb and the floor, and a way for chicks to escape the heat).

Please, be sure 'n wire that lamp into position, so as to insure the light can't fall, although the bulb themselves can still come apart (usually, the wire w/in keeps the hot glass hangin' there, but I've had one that burned through, and it was layin' on the expanded metal floor )-;~
I hate seein' cardboard boxes under heat lamps w/in folks' homes, but you could romove the flaps, and lower on corner (and add the cardboard to the inside bottom, over a layer of plastic bags), that way there's less chance of ignition from the light (there should be 18" min. between the bulb and the floor, and a way for chicks to escape the heat).

Please, be sure 'n wire that lamp into position, so as to insure the light can't fall, although the bulb themselves can still come apart (usually, the wire w/in keeps the hot glass hangin' there, but I've had one that burned through, and it was layin' on the expanded metal floor )-;~

Thanks for the warning gonna do a heating pad on towel though I've seen what knocked over lamps can do and I'll pass I would get the ecoglow but that's just insane for something I'm gonna use once for 3 months at most I haven't totally giving up on the idea though I'm still checking eBay
Thanks for the warning gonna do a heating pad on towel though I've seen what knocked over lamps can do and I'll pass I would get the ecoglow but that's just insane for something I'm gonna use once for 3 months at most I haven't totally giving up on the idea though I'm still checking eBay

I'd spend all that money ecoglow wants on wire 'n other equipment. For what it's worth? Most that brood once, brood again ... it's highly addictive ~'-)
Expecting my first batch of chicks on the 6th.. Built this in my basement to house them. It's 6x6x4 ft high. I made it extra big cause I will need to house my little ones or about 8 weeks as the weather here is really nasty. It was -14f this morning :(. In 2 months the lows will be around 32f an they should be ok to go outside. I am getting 12 chicks with hopes of getting about 6 pullets(I have to cull any roos). Hopefully I can sex them before they get too big so they don't get too crowded.

Forgot to mention that this brooder only cost me about $30(not including the light)


This is my brooder. Its out in my barn stall, so I wanted to be able to control heat leaks with the weather we're having. The insulated siding was really cheap and easy to put in there. When the chicks were small I put the reflective stuff on top too, but now as they are older its just a regular chicken wire top. I've raised over 20 chicks in it and its holding up well, easy to clean and keeps them warm.

These bigger chicks are already outside but this is a view of the inside. They probably think they are in a space ship because of the silver sides, lol!
haha chicken math but the only reason I'm not buying started pullets now is I have a 5yr old and I want them to be used to being handled and let her learn the whole process from beginning to end and baby chicks are pretty darn cute

I envy you that part ... nothin' more satisfying can ever come from any chicken than the excited laughter of the children they inspire ~'-)

Maybe not now, while so young? But, I'd sure consider incubating replacements, down the road.

This is my brooder. Its out in my barn stall, so I wanted to be able to control heat leaks with the weather we're having. The insulated siding was really cheap and easy to put in there. When the chicks were small I put the reflective stuff on top too, but now as they are older its just a regular chicken wire top. I've raised over 20 chicks in it and its holding up well, easy to clean and keeps them warm.

These bigger chicks are already outside but this is a view of the inside. They probably think they are in a space ship because of the silver sides, lol!

There should be laws against hatcheries sendin' catalogs this time of year, and folks postin' pictures of their current chicks ... your picture is terribly cute, but it's purely evil w/ temptation (thank God my multi-use brooder is busy housing four guineas right now ~'-)

Wonderin' if you couldn't move the insulating panels to the outside of the brooder, so you could slide 'em back 'n forth to regulate air flow.
There should be laws against hatcheries sendin' catalogs this time of year, and folks postin' pictures of their current chicks ... your picture is terribly cute, but it's purely evil w/ temptation (thank God my multi-use brooder is busy housing four guineas right now ~'-)

Wonderin' if you couldn't move the insulating panels to the outside of the brooder, so you could slide 'em back 'n forth to regulate air flow.
Do you think there may be an airflow problem even with it being outside? I have chicken wire around it so I can remove sides, I never thought to do it but maybe I should?

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