BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

I use a reostat (?) and really like it, especially when we have days in the 80 & 90s and the nights go into the 50-60's.

A lot of people start out in a smaller brooder, but find the chicks out grow it very fast. Think doubling in size every couple of weeks. That's where the intermediate brooder comes in. If your brooder is large enough for growing chicks, you don't usually need another one before they go outside or into the "big" coop.
My brooder is really simple, I am loving some of the ideas here. Next time I have babies I am going to revisit this thread!!

I got this box, I believe it's a shipping crate. Some friends had been using it at Renaissance Faires but it had a hole in the top. So I took a look at it and thought it would make a great brooder.



So I used a jigsaw to cut the top out.


Cleaned it up a little bit.


Then I sanded it down and stapled some chicken wire to the lid.



Now we just needed chicks...

I really like that ole crate brooder. I should have put my brooder in progress pictures here. Maybe the moderator can move them here for me.
where did you find your waterer? I saw some peopple had those at the fair this year, but I havent seen them anywhere!

My family gets the biggest kick out of one of your pictures!!
The kids call it "Kung Fu Chicken". I hope you don't mind but I have cropped and printed it for them to show at school. I'm using it for my background also.

Please, everyone, go and take a look at this! Too cute!!

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