BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!


One of our chick brooders on top, gosling brooder (at least presently) on bottom. I like being able to see the easily (helpful in checking often for pasty butt), BUT we will probably modify slightly. We used hardware cloth and it goes all the way down to he brooder floor. Now that they are bigger, we're having an awful time of them kicking all the hay out... I'm thinking we'll add some additional trim pieces around the bottom to contain all (or at least more) of the hay. We're also going to put the larger one (currently occupied by goslings) on some castors. That sucker is HEAVY and gets a little hard to man-handle outside for thorough clean out.
This thread has provided us with SOOOO much great information on how to get started building
our first brooder! Thanks for sharing, everyone!
(We'll post our own photos soon.)
I really dig your brooder! 
 I was going to do something like this in the shed we have out back, but it was full!  We got the baby chicks before I got around to cleaning out the shed, so they have spent the past 4 weeks in the laundry room.    That won't happen again!    Is your brooder build onto/mounted on the wall?   I would probably have to put some kind of border on the bottom half.  These little peeps like to scratch and kick shavings EVERYWHERE!

No it's not mounted but it is on 2ft legs. My husband was going to put wheels on it to move but since you just mentioned another brooder on the bottom I'm digging that idea. :) It's definitely capable. I'm going to make one like yours for outside. I have four week olds in the second half (just put 24 newly hatched on the other side last night) and yours would be great for a nice day.

I know what you mean about in the house. That's why I did this. I had multiple Rubbermaid containers with all diff ages. Ugh. The dust. I also use horse bedding pellets. It's pine and keeps the dust down and works good. I usually wait till they are about five weeks before putting them on it since its chunky.
Maybe the chick is bored? Maybe something else in the brooder might help like a small mirror or a clock? To the person who said their chick was pecking out morse code night and day.
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Converted an 8x8 breeder pen(we used it several years ago before exiting poultry for a while) this afternoon. The chicks are enjoying the space, they are about 2 weeks old and are already avoiding lights for the most part. They have begun to run around, flap wings, jump and strut in front of each other.

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Here's our little brooder with our 6 new babies!! They seem to be enjoying it a lot and it's working great for us right now.

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