BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

I have an interior design book called, "Use What You Have Decorating". Inspired by all of your posts about making brooders from what you have in your garages and barns, my family built our new brooder today using stuff in the garage and shed, and moved our chicks into it. I used a box of 14" square grids that are normally used to build shelving such as you would use in a laundry room or a kids room. I used zip ties to hook everything together. I covered a big sheet of cardboard with black trash bags, and put it under the brooder. I added shavings inside. Then I added cardboard up sides a bit to create a draft free zone.

The chicks seem to love it! They are running and jumping, trying to get off the ground. They have even attempted a few jumps from the runway up to the loft.

Just moved them in, in this pic...they are checking it out.

Full view from the front. Loft is on the upper right. I need to get some sticks to add perches (I will zip tie those in too). I thought I could use the loft for smaller chicks, or use it as an older chick hang out.

Playing King and Queen of the Hill on the thermometer.

The front panel drops down, so I can get in there to change food/water, catch anyone that needs catching, etc. I started out with three squares hooked into one panel, but have cut loose the right panel, so I can just open it (into the loft), or just the left side. I can also lift the front section of the top back, so I can reach all the way into the brooder.

We also discovered that a few of the smaller chicks fit through the square holes, so we fixed it with cardboard so we don't have anyone going kamakazi...and we covered the black plastic in the loft (seemed like a good idea at the time, to cover the cardboard), with plain cardboard, because it was too reflective and the chicks were acting kinda crazy.

My wonderful helpers...minus my dear husband!

Thanks for all the great ideas!
good job!!!! That looks awesome and I know they are enjoying the extra space! I put my 2 groups together this evening in their BIG run outside and they loved it. Was out there watching them to see IF the big ones would pick on the little ones but they didn't. So they might get to get in their BIG pen this weekend if we can get it finished.
Hmmmm...what time is it?

My brooder.
did you put a clock in it?
Here is a the new brooder my DD and I built a few days ago. I got the basic design off of this forum and modified it to make it stand taller so there would be room for an enclosed storage area underneath. it stands 6' tall with the 2' of bottom storage, has 2'x4' floor space so the chicks have 8 sq. feet to move around in, and the brooder box is 2' tall enclosed with a 2' screened canopy for ventilation. We made the waterer from a .5 liter water bottle rigged the feeder up so that it holds 5#s of feed for them.

After these pics were taken we finished it by adding doors to the storage area so we can keep the chick's feed under there without hosting an open buffet for all of the other critters. We also upgraded the waterer to one made from a 2 liter soda bottle so their water will last longer. I am open to any suggestions you guys have for improvements.
Here is a the new brooder my DD and I built a few days ago. I got the basic design off of this forum and modified it to make it stand taller so there would be room for an enclosed storage area underneath. it stands 6' tall with the 2' of bottom storage, has 2'x4' floor space so the chicks have 8 sq. feet to move around in, and the brooder box is 2' tall enclosed with a 2' screened canopy for ventilation. We made the waterer from a .5 liter water bottle rigged the feeder up so that it holds 5#s of feed for them.

After these pics were taken we finished it by adding doors to the storage area so we can keep the chick's feed under there without hosting an open buffet for all of the other critters. We also upgraded the waterer to one made from a 2 liter soda bottle so their water will last longer. I am open to any suggestions you guys have for improvements.
Wow, looks great! The only thing I might want to consider is finding some way of rigging up a removable roost on one side to the chicks can have some fun. :)

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