BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Shut the lid on those little high-steppers and they can stay in there a bit longer.

They are so cute when they learn to fly onto something. They look so proud of themselves.
Love your brooder. I need to get to work on another one, after seeing some of these ideas.
I just built mine so no chicks in it right now. It's a 6x3 crate I got for free from work. Lids out of scrap lumber and leftover fencing. It's cost me $5 for mismix paint for the inside and $5 for the hinges.


I followed columbiacritterʻs lead and cut up two 2 x 10ʻs that were used as loading ramps for my move. I ended up with eight pieces 4 ft long and made two boxes with them. The bottom one has 1/2" wire mesh for a floor and the top one has a light weight chicken wire top. I then stacked them on top of four concrete blocks and have a sturdy, wind-proof brooder with a wire floor for cleaning up after the brood leaves. In the meantime, I covered the floor with burlap, newspaper and pine shavings. The chicks love it and it fits up to 30 chicks for less than a $20 investment. Now, the infrared heat light bill is going to be a different matter!
Mine is a dollar general special. I can make as many as needed as the chicks grow. The tops are "bee hive" slots. I use the wood and metal ones. The plastic ones are sometimes used for a cover with the others. I have a 100 watt light bulb and hang the lamp by a cord so I can move the lamp up by the clamp right up the wire. It is easy to clean, leak proof, poop proof and easy to get the shavings out to change.


Hope you enjoy
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CMOM--looks good, but wondered what kind of luck you are having with the wire floor? Looks like 1/2 by 1 inch welded wire? I had supposed their feet would go thru that? No problems?

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