BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

here is mine it is out of a crate i got on craigslist for $10 we added some vent holes. also the wire to the top. already had the lid just needed some hinges and the wire. it is over three and a half feet long. pretty big. how many chicks can i put in this?
shelley some of those babies are yours. camera shy thou.

it is in my basement and my dh is NOT impressed.



the shoe box is my infirmary. my little spraddle leg guy and his buddy. try to keep the other guys from smushing him.
I have been so impressed by all of the brooders and learned so much that I have been looking around the house for potential victims - the dog kennel that we are still using, the hope chest that holds only boots and shoes - but then finally I found it ....


So this is the desk, (60" X 34") that my husband cannot stand and seems to gather stuff all over it and around it. He keeps threatening to chuck it!

I am going to remove the drawers, close in the back of the desk (screen or solid?)- then the entire front will be screened in where the drawers were, the center section would be the door and add a bottom. The grand plan would be that the brooder will have a tray(s) that I can slide out.

Am I totally nuts? OK so it would be a lot cheaper to buy a Rubbermaid container - but wouldn't this be deluxe?

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