BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Most wondrous husband actually built the peeps their own room in his sacred garage!!! It's about the size of a long closet and the heat lamp hangs from the middle and we raise it as the babies get bigger. At first we cover the floor with papers and then we switch to wood shavings which is great because we can just sweep up the mess and throw it on the compost pile.
Great ideas everyone. I've got lovely ladies right now, but am expecting 7 babies around the 16th of Feb. I just finished reading all the posts here and can't wait to build my brooder from the scraps left over from building the coop.

Quick off topic question...those of you who have ducks...I was thinking of getting two myself at the same time I get the chicks. Can I just keep them in the brooder with the chicks to begin with and should I separate them when they're older? Also, are there any sites like this one for ducks? I love this one and the quick search I did, didn't prove very fruitful.

Thanks!! I'll post a pic of my brooder when I get it built.
During brooding season, hubby's car gets booted outside and half the garage becomes duck central. Somehow, it just seems fitting to brood ducklings in swimming pools! Babes just out of the incubator go into the smaller pool that is lined with puppy training pads. Once I'm sure that they're eating and drinking well, they go into the larger pool that is bedded with shavings. Heat lamps are suspended from the ceiling, and since both pools are roomy, I don't have to monitor the temps that closely. The ducklings will move closer to the lamps if they're cold, or away from them if they're too warm. Oh, and the nice thing about that big pool is that it deflates and fits into a small box that sits on a shelf when I'm not using it!

Well, I took the plunge and got a couple chicks this week. They're 5 week RIR hens (so it says in fine print:rolleyes:) Got them from a local feed store.

I took the dog crate idea for the brooder and made one for myself. So far things are fine and they seem to be enjoying things based on all the little soft chirps they make.

The pressure is now on to finish the coop, and should keep me busy the next few free weekends. I know none of you outside of California will want to hear this, but we've been having 70 degree days lately and based on my brooder temps, I've had to cut my lamp wattage down to 60W to maintain temp.

Thanks for all the ideas in this forum as you all are really knoweldgeable and I hope to have success from all the help. THANKS!!!!

My brooder I just completed, shown w/o plexiglass and screened top. I put a rheostat on my heat lamp so I can adjust the temperature without having to raise or lower the lamp. See the lonely chick in there? I need more chicks!!


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Ok, my SERIOUSLY SPOILED chickies have a brooder made out of an old computer desk, with an old "baby gate" as the sliding door! Small heat lamp hanging in there, plus a heating pad on "low" in another area. We used 1/2 inch mesh to wrap the rest, and leftover white "deck railing" posts for support. All in all it only cost about $10, because the only thing we bought is the mesh!!

Oh, and that is my chic-a-holic 4 yr old DD under there... I swear she would sleep RIGHT THERE if I let her!!!!!!


Oh, and the pink thing with green handles by Sami's head is a "carrier" originally for stuffed toy "Pucci Puppy", that is NOW used for chick transport, has a warm water bottle in it when being used... (I DID say "SPOILED CHICKIES", didn't I?)... !!!

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