BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Okay, here's mine. I built it all from scrap left over from building the chicken coop. I made it so the top section comes off and can be an outdoor pen when they get big enough for short forays outside. I also figured the whole thing can become a hospital if I've got a sick lady who needs to be separated from the rest. I'll be putting in a roost for them tomorrow. Also will put back in something for them to hide under if they feel like it. Just didn't get to it today. I just took out the divider and gave them free run of the whole thing.

This one is the whole thing before it's occupants arrived. It has a shelf for when they get bigger to give them something to jump up on.




My baby enjoying the babies.


They fight over who gets to sit on top of the gorilla. Why they like to sit on top is beyond me, but they do.

As of today, with the divider removed and the chicks and ducklings co-mingling happily together.

Thanks to this thread, I was very inspired and very pleased with what I ended up with.
terrific thread. obviously there are many options for construction and the brooder itself will be an easy fix but but my problem is location. i could use the coop if it's done in time or i thought of using my car trailer. i'm a bit concerned with the trailer due to some fumes.
are there any issues with keeping the babies in the same room with a cockatoo and parrot ? i'd die if something happend to the Too. thanks for all the info.
I also have two little ones in an terrarium (sp?) by my spare bed in my pc room. and the pool is on the bottom of the bed. I am covered in chickies!

I love having them in the terrarium (aquarium) best of all. so much fun to watch. and they grow so quick its nice having them somewhere close and easy to keep an eye on them. make the most of it while they are little i am.

Having your first chicky does lead to harsher habits, doesnt it? - I can see the road of the junkie stretched out on the not so distant horizon....Bator Street lol
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Aww all the chicks/ducklings are so cute!

My brooder isn't going to be anything special probably just a box with a heat lamp. And since we don't plan on raising chicks (besides the first batch) it doesn't have to be permenant.
I haven't looked at this thread in awhile. I love this one! I'm a sci-fi fan and this one reminds me of a flying saucer!

They do look a little alien as they get older and they ARE trying to take over the world. Or maybe just my house. I think there might be some mind control going on. They seem to be getting more of their favorite snacks lately...
I am using an old guinea pig cage...the type with a wire top and plastic bottom. It keeps the four inch deep shavings in, provides many spots for a clip-on heat lamp, and is sturdy enough to hold the bricks I have holding the water/food dishes above the shavings. Easy to clean, reasonable size, an practical, little to no prep time for the next batch (other than decon time).
it's the perfect solution for 22 bantams and five ducklings!!
I have 3 cats as well and a dog. I used a large rubbermaid storage container and cut hole in the lid and put chicken wire over the hole..completely animal proof. the lid comes off easily to clean, feed and water. that was for the first week with 20 chicks. now i have a 3x4 cardboard box with a window screen over it to keep out house pests!

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