BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

You could try keeping it up on top of a wood block, or elevated in some way..... As long as the chicks could jump on top to reach it.... Just a suggestion
Well, right now it is hanging... and I can't really hang it any higher or they won't be able to reach it. lol Maybe I will put a larger piece of wood in there... like 12x12 square, elevated a bit, so it doesn't get shavings on it and put it under the waterer. Hmmm... THAT just might work. Thank you!
I'm a first time chicken mommy and this is my brooder set up. We bought a huge 5 gallon tub with lid from WalMart for about $20 and figured we can use it again for chicks in the future and then for storage when it's not in use. I have it sitting in my office and the lamp is attached to my cabinet. I hope it's ok there and not too dangerous, but I keep a good eye on it.




Work in progress. Just started it tonight. Will finish it by the weekend. How does it look so far? It is deft by far a huge brooder. But, it's going to stay in one spot. I am going to use a tarp for the floor under it under the hay. Just for easy cleaning. Do people think I did to much? I was bored tonight so I said I'm going big with it. Haha
We have 18 barn yard mixes. Pullets, bantams, RIRs, and some I don't knows lol. Here's a pic!

How old are they now?? You better get busy! They grow sooo fast. I have 11 that are 2 weeks old today. 6 Cornish Xs and 5 Isas... The meaties are a good 3 times the size of the Isas.. It's incredible. We just moved them to a bigger brooder last night. I had them in a large tote, similar to yours... now they're in a 4x5 wooden brooder. Praying that is big enough until our weather breaks and the coop is finished. lol
How old are they now?? You better get busy! They grow sooo fast.  I have 11 that are 2 weeks old today.  6 Cornish Xs and 5 Isas...  The meaties are a good 3 times the size of the Isas.. It's incredible.  We just moved them to a bigger brooder last night.  I had them in a large tote, similar to yours...  now they're in a 4x5 wooden brooder.  Praying that is big enough until our weather breaks and the coop is finished.  lol

The one I am building is 4 ftx 3 ft. I am hoping that is big enough as well! Haha. But the bantams and pullets are 3 weeks, and the other 6 we got at an auction but we are assuming they are roughly 3-4 weeks old.
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