BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Mini Coop R

Okay, here is my contribution for a brooder. JoAnn and I live on the Big Island and some of you know that we had the distinction of having not one but two hurricanes barreling down on us this week (Madeline and Lester). THANKFULLY, neither of then posed a problem where we are on the island, so we feel extremely thankful.
The feeling wasn't that way two weeks ago when the feed store we ordered a few new birds from - two Barred Rock Roosters and 4 Cornish Cross chicks- called to tell us they wouldn't be getting them in until the week the hurricanes would hit. Yikes.
Fast forward to three days ago, and in the hustle and bustle of Madeline, I get a call letting us know our chicks were in! Totally forgot they were still coming. JoAnn and I went to get them and while the Barred Rock Roos weren't in the order they did have a "few extra" CC - 8 over our order. Well, the chicken math along with the added pressure of the stress of Lester and of course we headed home with storm clouds overhead but we had 12 new peepers in our Jeep.
We had great luck with two broody hens taking over the RR and Barred Rocks, but we were fresh out of broody hens.
"We need a brooder", JoAnn says.
"Okay, we have some scrap I can make a box for them, should be done tomorrow night.", I say.
I originally made a cube out of some left over scrap plywood I had laying around, but that looked too spartan, too austere, even if they weren't going to be in it very long. It was ugly. I quickly re-purposed the parts and decided to built a mini version of the coop I made for the hens.
I said, "If I am going to Remodel this, lets do it right!" The re-model, (dubbed version R) took only 4 hours longer than I expected, so the chicks got to stay in the house for one extra day while the first coat of paint dried overnight. Next day the trim was painted, roof went on in a flash and the lamp was hung. JoAnn thinks it was a good choice to remodel the ugly.

Mini Coop R

Okay, here is my contribution for a brooder. JoAnn and I live on the Big Island and some of you know that we had the distinction of having not one but two hurricanes barreling down on us this week (Madeline and Lester). THANKFULLY, neither of then posed a problem where we are on the island, so we feel extremely thankful.


I said, "If I am going to Remodel this, lets do it right!" The re-model, (dubbed version R) took only 4 hours longer than I expected, so the chicks got to stay in the house for one extra day while the first coat of paint dried overnight. Next day the trim was painted, roof went on in a flash and the lamp was hung. JoAnn thinks it was a good choice to remodel the ugly.

That's great! So cute lol
aart: Not really designed to hold them long.
First, we are in Hawaii- Temps in our part of the island stay constant at about 80-85 year round. Nights only dip to 75-80 when it does get 'cooler'
Second, this is for our Cornish crosses- they will be out of the brooder sooner than most breeds anyway.

Oh, Thanks for the tip on the isolation pen idea- This is good for a single bird that needs some TLC away from the flock.

We are going to be switching to a heating pad for more consistent heat. these new LED or CFL bulbs put out nothing for heat. The height of the roof limits us to 12 inches above the chicks and we are afraid we'll cook them with the halogen floods-

SunHwaKwon : Thanks!
I love the heating pads for chick heat...
....but you can also use 60-100w plain old incandescent bulb(if you can find them) using a dimmer extension cord works great for adjusting heat output. You can buy red incandescent bulbs for reptile heating online.
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aart, those incandescent bulbs will be missed when they're all go. I'm sure they'll come out with "compact heating bulbs" and charge 4x the price for them, though.<sigh> When they came out saying they were going to "ban" them I went ahead and bought several small cases of them. What I don't use my kids can use when I'm gone. ;) They're good for keeping pipes from freezing, waterers from freezing, brooding chicks, incubators, heat sources for outside critters, and....for light, even. :)

I planned on getting large pullets and built my coop for such. Went to get my birds thinking the only adjustment I may need was a ramp to the roosts and ended up coming home with 21 chicks
I thought if my pullets were small id block them under my roost table so I had an X pen on hand. Ended up zip tying some of my wire mesh to is and creating a "brooder" in the corner of my coop lol

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