BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Here is a picture of one of my brooders. Scuse the chicken dust. There is a heat lamp mounted just inside, firmly wired into a small hole in the level part of the top, that the electric cord comes out of. Both sides of the slanted top lift, for easy cleaning, and for easily getting to those who are in that part of the brooder. It is on legs to get it up so it is easy to work with, and the slanted lid makes iteasy to see into. (Ignore the bare lightbulb hanging over it. Another project and forgot to get it out of the way before taking the picture.

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I love your brooder! I like that it's off the floor and easily accessible. I'll be using a cardboard box for mine until I can bribe hubby and/or son to build me something more permanent and stable. I say "bribe" because it's hard to get them motivated otherwise. But soon, very soon.
I agree that banties are great brooders. I have mine seperated from my roo at the moment and they're still broody. I have three and they take turns sitting on the eggs. It's so cute.
You could always go on a no work/no cook strike. Let them eat a few cold meals and tell them you'll start cooking again when they get the "Honey Do" list done.
You could always go on a no work/no cook strike. Let them eat a few cold meals and tell them you'll start cooking again when they get the "Honey Do" list done.

If I did that hubby would eat crackers with whatever. Our honey do list is pretty much ME.
You could always go on a no work/no cook strike. Let them eat a few cold meals and tell them you'll start cooking again when they get the "Honey Do" list done.

Tried that on him and the kids a few years back to try to get a little help keeping the house clean. Didn't work.

It has rained so much here in the last few weeks I don't know when I'll even get my new coop built. We have moved and had to leave them where we were living. His niece lives there now and she and her husband are watching them for us. We go there daily to feed them and collect eggs but I want them here with me. I miss them terribly.

For now I'll just use the huge cardboard box that my incubator, egg turner and new chick feeder were shipped in. When I have it set up I'll figure out how to post a pic. Wish me luck with that cause I've never done it.
Here's one... 2x4 framework with 1/4" or 1/2" hardware cloth on the shelves, and plastic totes with the bottoms cut out for the sides.


Cardboard garment box...

We also have several of the green fiberglass kennels like they have at the humane society... those are awesome brooders!! Clean up like a charm! But photobucket just crashed on me, so no photos.

Edited to add photos... I know how to upload them to BYC, I had just loaded them to PhotoBucket when it crashed, so I decided to wait...


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If you have the photos stored on your computer you can upload your photos right here on BYC. On the tool bar above you will see a heading marked UPLOADS. Just click on it and follow the directions. Then to include the picture in a post, once you have started your post, go to the tool bar, click on uploads, then in the lower right corner you will see My Uploads, click on that find your stored photo and click on the url you want, copy, and come back to your post and paste. When you post your message the photo will appear in your post.

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Have fun!

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