BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Cassiadawn, That should work just fine...mine are in a brooder box just like that only a little smaller (see back a few pages...85 I think?) and I have only 5, but mine are also over a month old now and they still have room. Now I have added 2 roosting poles and they're taller so that significantly cuts off some space, but they're still fine for space and they're much bigger than yours will be in two weeks so you shouldnt have to worry. Good luck!
When I got my 'care sheet' (when I bought my 2 day old chicks) it said start at 90...and then randomly I hear 95, but mostly I hear 90 for the first week...and then 5 degrees less each week...I couldn't get my brooder to 90 all the first week, but I didn't worry too much because the chicks were never huddled under the light, in fact they were peep'n all over as if they were in a very comfortable temp (typically stood around 88 degrees the first week) for some reason it's hanging lower, but now is only getting to 86 degrees, but it's week two now, so again I'm not going to worry too much unless I see them huddled up under the lamp... in a nutshell I wouldn't worry too much if you can't keep it exact
And nice brooder!!!
For the first week my 5 chicks were living in a clear plastic 34x16 storage tub that was purchased at Walmart, but it just seemed they didn't have the room to spread their wings, so now they are living in a larger tub that is 42x21x20.

The top of the lid was cut out, holes were drilled and black wire ties are used to connect the 1/2" hardware cloth to the lid.

The perch is made from 2x4's with 3/4" doweling and 10" long 1x2 feet to make it extra stable.

The heat lamp is secured by wire ties to a shop light tripod, which is adjustable.
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Thank you. When I purchased my chicks the feed store had them in horse water troughs, which is what I would have preferred, but then again...I only have 5 chicks. I just wanted to make sure they weren't crowded and had plenty of room to run, flap their wings and stretch their necks.

I have a photo of them taking their chick nap here...
Here's mine. We went to a local fiberglass fabricator, for a salt water coral propagation tub, they were way too expensive. So we went out back where he had defective ones, and my husband thought he would fix one. So we got it super cheap. 5 years later, it was still sitting untouched, I have claimed it for my own. My brooder...

Of course we have a screen over the top now because the chicks ar 3 wks. old. And it's not as dark as it seems in there. I don't know why the pics turned out so dark.
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Our brooder is a completely refurbished chinchilla cage that my Dad and I built several years ago for our pet chinchilla. As we don't have her anymore, the cage was just sitting in storage. When we came across it, Mom and I just looked at each other. A perfect brooder!


It's 40" X 44". It has one of those inside/outside thermometers, with the sensor fixed in a block of wood below the lamp.


The inside part of the thermometer is fixed to the lamp bar, so that we can easily read the temp.


Dad also installed a dimmer switch so that we can turn the light up and down without having to raise/lower the bulb for the perfect temperature.


We covered the floor with vinyl, for easy cleaning. I'm afraid I don't have a clear picture of that.


So that's our brooder. Thanks, Dad!

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I love this one. Where did you get the cardboard? I have mine in a 30gl tank. They will be out of it soon. This looks like the best idea & not so costly.

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