BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Here is my brooder, nothing fancy but I think it will work just fine! Made out of a couple large boxes that I taped together with duct tape. As the chicks grow I will just tape another box or too to the main one, or just start over with new boxes just more of them! Do you think it will be safe with the heat lamp clamped to the side like this?? Never sent image before, hope it works otherwise I'll try again.
Here is my brooder, nothing fancy. Just taped two large boxes together with duct tape to make sure they wouldn't be crowded. As time goes on and the chicks outgrow this I will add more boxes or start over with more boxes. I have laid down puppy pads for the bedding so they can strengthen their little feet and legs before I use the shavings.
Do you think having the heat lamp clamped to the side of the box this way will be safe, if not have you any other ways to suspend the lamp? Thanks! The big day is May 18th, I can hardly wait!

You've got the right attitude about making the brooder bigger as they grow. And grow they do fast.

Can't tell from the pic how you have your lamp clamped on.

Just make sure to attach the lamp in such a way to prevent it from falling into the brooder, or on the side of the cardboard, or anything else flammable.

I had a steel stock tank with hardware cloth on top of to keep the soon to be flying chicks in and pets out.

I then had metal folding chairs behind the brooder that I attached the heat lamps to with the clamp then wrapped the cord around the back of the chairs, so if the clamp gave way (which they did) the lamp would not go anywhere because of the wire preventing it from falling.

Good luck with your little ones.
~*Sweet Cheeks*~ :

You've got the right attitude about making the brooder bigger as they grow. And grow they do fast.

Can't tell from the pic how you have your lamp clamped on.

Just make sure to attach the lamp in such a way to prevent it from falling into the brooder, or on the side of the cardboard, or anything else flammable.

I had a steel stock tank with hardware cloth on top of to keep the soon to be flying chicks in and pets out.

I then had metal folding chairs behind the brooder that I attached the heat lamps to with the clamp then wrapped the cord around the back of the chairs, so if the clamp gave way (which they did) the lamp would not go anywhere because of the wire preventing it from falling.

Good luck with your little ones.

Thanks so much, The chair is a really good idea!! I want to be extra careful.
I was worried I was the only one who did that...

I start out with one box in the basement.

Then I add another and cut a little hole out.

Then I add another.

Then I add another.

THEN, they get moved out to the garage with MORE boxes.

Then they go out to the coop.
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I love th ebox idea....mine was a plastic tote (its somewhere on these pages- but it's similar to lil chick's on the previous page) and I only have 5 chicks, but they're 5 weeks old and getting WAY to big for it but their coop isnt done so I think I am going to be doing the whole taping boxes together thing too...I don't know why I didn't think of that before! These girls need some room!

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