BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

These are my brooders. They are small and simple but I love them
. they are both Super Pet My First homes. Not sure which model. Either for rats or rabbits. I also have a smaller one that is similar except its for hamsters and gerbils, and it has a way deeper pan.
Well I finally finished my bigger new improved brood box for my 2 golden comets. It is 2' X 2' X 4' long. I used a set of vanity doors my brother gave me for the top lid giving me access to both the nesting side and the food water side. The wood I picked up from the cull box at home depot. The wire I had left over from projects on my 2 coops out back. The flooring can be removed once they go outsie allowing the to have acess to the ground in the food water area and also under the nesting area. the girls are now about 10 weeks old and had out grown the 20 tote i had them in.

my wife is glad the chickens are no longer on the dining room table...and they are no long baby chicks as the have lost all of their pin feathers.
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Thank you so much for sharing those pics, those lil fuzzy butts are adorable!...

She left this up on the monitor so I could see how ya'll did your thing as we're newbs and just soaking it all in...

Thanx again!!!!!!
Here's my big brooder complete with a chicken jail. It's made of an appliance box and the partition is a window screen. The second picture shows little "Stripes", the inmate, from her side of the screen. She's doing time for ferocious eye pecking!



I had no little stuffed animal to give her so I substituted a rolled up washcloth. She seems good with it!

I had a smaller brooder set up but needing to isolate Stripes forced me to switch to the big brooder after only 2 days. They sure look tiny in there, don't they?!
not shure if I posted this pic correct but I'll give it a shot. should be my empty brooder I just built awaiting my new arrivals that are due on the 25th , 5 more days. I'm wondering how they are gonna be seeing monday is a holiday and their is no mail service.
Redstars: Most likely you will receive them on Tuesday rather than Monday. Or at least what I assume will take place. Then again I'm no expert on the postal service. lol
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