BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Here is our brooder. It is made from a dog kennel with cardboard boxes around it so the bedding doesn't get everywhere. I have papertowels over pine bedding and a red flood light that keeps the temps easily. My hubby made the feeder from 3/4 in. PVC and the waterer is made from a gatorade bottle in a dish.

Before chicks!

They like it!
Ok, mine are due Aug 7th, I have a water trough, the smaller one...Im going to put shaving into it, and a waterer...what size of light do I use? reg. bulb what watts? can I use a red bulb for night time, or yellow???

when we got our very first pullets we kept them in the bathroom nobody used, and had a reg. walmart dome light with a bulb but it would get hot in there....

any other ideas?
FizzyZow ~ I ordered them from My Pet Chicken. I would recommend them to anyone! There are 3 Easter Eggers, 2 Black Australorps, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, and 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte.
I don't have pics, but ours is rather elaborate! 8' long, 4' wide, 4' tall, roof with a hinge, and a door with a lock. big red heat lamp and a huge box under it in case they want to hide. 2" of shavings.

dad like building stuff

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