BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Good job!
I'm really challenged when it comes to using tools (OK - I'm scared to death of my circular saw), but I can handle a drill, hammer, etc. fairly well. I would like to build a brooder more permanent that a Rubbermaid tote.

Has anyone tried building a brooder out of a bathroom vanity like the one below (it's 48" long). I'm thinking the inserts in the doors could be taken out and replaced with hardware cloth, or maybe glass or acrylic panels. I don't think it would be that difficult (for me) to put a hinged lid on it. I would probably sit it up higher, maybe on cinder blocks?, so it would be closer to eye level.

I'm also thinking about putting some kind of stick-on tiles on the interior floor and sides to make it easier to clean.

I found this particular one on CL, but it was already gone when I called. There is a similar one also listed now, so I'm thinking maybe I should go take a look at it this weekend.

Any thoughts about if this would work?


I think its a great idea. I would cut the center out of the doors & put plexi glass so you could see inside & even have them be able to open still for easy access to the babies, food ect.....
I looked through many of the photo/posts . . . but I didn't see a brooder like ours, so I thought I'd describe it.

It is based on an old oval kitchen table.

24 inch draft guard cardboard is taped to the table to make the walls.

[This whole thing is located in the unfinished basement of our house - Room temp ~ 60F]

The 250W infrared bulb hung from ceiling rafter.

Thin [0.7mil] plastic, from paint dept, is thumb tacked in an oval shape from the rafters.
The result is the plastic hangs down and touches the outside of the cardboard walls.
[ Not shown in this photo ]

At one end, where the plastic ends meet - we can feed the chicks, etc.
Also it's very easy to lift this thin plastic out of the way to clean the brooder, etc.

I've heard stories of drafts killing chicks . . . there aren't any drafts in this brooder !

Chicken Chick Brooder by XrivaZimmerman, on Flickr
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We started our 16 chicks in a 45-gallon plastic tote but just moved them Thursday to a larger one I made from cardboard boxes. It's approx. 55 inchesL X 53 inchesW X 30 inchesD.



Step A = falinagirl's 45 Gal tupperware = chick efficiency
Step B for @ 2-3 weeks = cut back door of 45 gal tupperware end and attach to large dog crate (see dbounds10) making a sleeping area and a playroom = a one bedroom
Step C = Take B-A, move B inside large run, and add an eight panel movable dog exersize pen with green plastic fencing covering the top for flyers. Use from @5-8+ weeks.
Step D = In with the big girls!

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