BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Southern Gardener,
The reason I ask is, although you have a really nice brooder, it is not predator proof.

Unless you have a big dog that stays outside at night too, varmints can easily go over your fence, knock the top off the brooder, rip the chickenwire off the cage and/or reach through the chicken wire to get to the babies. A hawk can also knock the top off your brooder.

Chicken wire will keep chickens in, but it does not keep predators out. Raccoons have been known to reach through chicken wire, grab a bird and pull it to the fence to eat what it can of the bird.

May I suggest you cover your chicken wire with hardware cloth (small 1/4 or 1/2 inch wire holes) then put a wood trim around the edge to cover up the raw wire edges. Make a solid wood top with hinges and latch it with a bolt or clasp type lock. Put a lock or carabiner through the loop of the lock. Do not use a piece of wood that turns or a screen door latch, because they can easily be opened by predators.

I do not mean to come over negatively, but I have heard from too many people who come home from work or wake up in the morning to find their birds have been killed.

A simpler solution might be to bring your brooder into the laundry room or garage in the evening.

Again, I think your brooder is a great design, but just needs a little tweaking if you are going to leave it outside.
Here's my "high-tech" brooder with some essential features:

Digital Thermometer

Adjustable vents

Webcam mount

Heating mat under the brooder.

It's very small and will only last a week or two before I move them to the indoor coop. Nonetheless I'm rather proud of the design. I love the water trough. It keeps things very clean. The food is a little high but they can still get it.



Carla, thanks for your concern! No, it’s not predator proof that’s true.

I’ve had my older hens for over a year now and have not lost one to a predator – the coop is also located inside my fenced area with chicken wire. My dog does patrol the yard and she is very protective. I’ve lived here 10 years and have not seen other predators – unless you count squirrels and rabbits – not to say they don’t exist though - we just don't have that problem.
So I figured since I have looked at all the wonderful brooders and didn't see any like mine I would post some pics of it.

I am unsure as to how old it is. But it works great!



The bulb in the back works, I'm just not sure how to adjust the temp on it though. It was a little to cold for my fresh hatched day olds. So I had to add the lamp.

Southern Gardener,
I feel soooooooooooo much better now. I was really worried for your birds. Good dog !

So many times new chicken owners just don't realize that everything likes chicken, and predators will try any way they can to get a chicken dinner.

Your coop and landscape are beautiful...
Thanks Carla. I have to admit my heart did skip a beat after reading the post from augiedranch - the snake that ate her new chicks... :eek: I've never had a problem with snakes, but you never know - wouldn't hurt to stop at Home Depot for hardware cloth...

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