BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Love the brooder!!

Hope you don't have to take a bath any time soon!!
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Love the brooder!!

Hope you don't have to take a bath any time soon!!

When we moved in, we discovered we had a shallow well; a very shallow well. I was afraid using that tub would drain the whole thing and I never used it. Last September, that well succumbed to the drought and we ended up getting a deep well, so I suppose I could use that tub now, but I still can't see wasting that much water on one bath! I had been using it as a laundry hamper before the chicks came along.​
Love the brooder!!

Hope you don't have to take a bath any time soon!!

When we moved in, we discovered we had a shallow well; a very shallow well. I was afraid using that tub would drain the whole thing and I never used it. Last September, that well succumbed to the drought and we ended up getting a deep well, so I suppose I could use that tub now, but I still can't see wasting that much water on one bath! I had been using it as a laundry hamper before the chicks came along.

Thought I had posted this earlier today but I musta forgotten to hit the "submit" button. Not real pretty but it cost me nothing but a couple hours time. All leftovers from the coop. I have a question tho, what kind of bulbs are y'all using...the one I have seems to heat the brooder 'way above 95...Since I took the photo I added a pole to raise the light up higher but I'm not sure I can raise it high enough not to overheat the chicks... I'm thinking maybe just a regular150 watt bulb??

This is my brooder for Newborns Only... lol and it's obvious why it's for Newborns Only. I didn't realize just how Fast they grow, especially ducklings.(but so far it's been only 1 or 2 hatched at a time) I have a dimmer switch thingy, that you turn to adjust the light/heat. I marked different areas ahead of time where the different temps are that would be needed.
I have 2 other brooders each a little larger, I'll have to update when I take a picture of them.

I use a 150 red, heat bulb for the first few weeks. After that i use a reptile (150) heat emitter

Thanks, I picked up a 150 reptile bulb today and it's much better. The other shot it up over 100 this morning, now it's right around 94.​
Figured I'd post my brooder in here now

you can see the swing up door I bored a brooder light hole out of. It has about a 4 inch wide gap left along the top edge for ventilation


Here is a full shot - ignore the dirt, I had a bag of potting soil explode just before I took the pic - going to hose it off, lol. Second door removed and screen top added instead.


And of course, my peepers in their home! I can't even get the whole thing in a shot! I was like hanging into it and they were like, "DAD GET OUT!" There is about another 2.5 feet of it missing on these pics



For some reason it looks dirty inside. Not quite sure what's up with that. The shavings are all brand new and fresh smelling and the insides were wiped down from the mishap with the dirt!
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All are very nice & creative brooders. }}}Grrrrrr...if only Dave (my hubby) wasn't soooo busy and into working on the dang Race Car everyday & night for our 9 yr. old to race, then maybe I could have a creative brooder too.
lol ~ On the bag that the wood shavings come in, it says should be used with a cage that is open on the sides for air to be able to circulate/pass through. I tried a couple different brands or types of shavings because some of them wood shavings ARE pretty STRONG SMELLING when they are used in a confined area. Before i had read about using it in an open cage, I had stuck my head in the enclosed brooder with shavings and thought man that's a strong smell how do they breath in here that stuff stinks/strong smelling. ~Julie~

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