BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

I start my little fuzzybutts in a 35gal tote in my second bathroom tub. We are working on something that I can move outside into the main coop for I am not going to be able to keep the baby chicks in my house with my grandkids coming. I am thinking of using a very old playpen that I have and doing some work to it so that it will work for the summer in the coop. I will take pics later once we get it done.
Here is our brooder, we used a 375 gallon stock tank we had out in the shed from our horse a few years back. I used two panels from a folding dog crate for the top, they are taped/secured on one side where the light is hanging under (attached by 3 points) and the other side is "hinged" with zip ties so I can lift half the panel to get to the chicks. The top is only meant to keep our cat from getting in there. I have pine shavings under the paper towels and the food and water raised up on a paver stone. The only thing I had to buy was the heat lamp, which I got in the reptile department at our pet store, along with a 75watt red heat bulb. I had the light running all night last night to get an idea of how warm it would be and lowered the light a bit this morning. Now I'm just waiting for a call this afternoon or tomorrow morning from the feed store that our fuzzybutts are in to pick up!

Please excuse the cell phone pics...

I can't wait till we get our chicks in I was planning on using a rubbermaid tote with high sides and a 60w bulb in my old frog heat lamp but I think I may just move them into the refrig or freezer box since we are buying new ones for our new house (moving to make more room for furbabies and fuzzy butts). And since it's a bit warmer and the already built chicken coop (custom made permanent coop already on the new property) is mostly enclosed they can go out there when they outgrow the box. Thank you guys so much for the ideas and I'm just lucky to have extra rabbit wire laying around from making bunny cages to use for a top.
I'll post pics when I get them in and set up.
This is mine... for now.
It's a large crate, but I took the top off, extended the sides and put a perch in for them.
When they get tall enough that they can fly out of it, I'll put the top back on, on top of the cardboard extensions.

The play pen is a great idea.... I'm so kicking myself for donating my youngests playpen just a couple months ago. But who knew I would have considered using it for chicks? Gah!!!
Have you all thought about going to a resale shop in your area or see if other family members have something like that in their area? There is a shop in Springfield that is called Other Mothers and then have children clothing, pregnant clothing and after as well as everything you need to have a baby. Luckily my grand daughter outgrew her play pen and my daughter never got rid of it so possession is 2/3rd the law, RIGHT???? I have three chicks in mine right now and I have 4 more that need to be moved out there shortly so I am introducing the three in the Play pen to the three month olds in hopes that they can all live together. Some of you all have really great ideas. Keep the pictures coming!!!
Hey everybody!
I just got my chicks yesterday (3 ameraucanas and 2 RIR) and I put them in the guest bathtub! We never used it anyway and it was the perfect fit, then we just hung the heat lamp from the shower curtain rail. We also got two duckies yesterday and we tried to put them in with the chicks, but they just mucked everything up, so we found an old large drink cooler that we used to take camping. We haven't been camping in forever so we didnt need it. We just filled that with shavings and put em in. They love it!
I got this one form my MIL for my grandkids to use but they were so far away I used it for the cat to have kittens in, for the litter boxes to keep the dogs out of them and now a chick pen. This type is very hard to find now adays for they are all the small travel type( got one of them too for the grandkids).

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