BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Here's my outdoor brooder. It has my new ducks in it currently.

It's made from a Midwest Exercise Pen folded into a rectangle. It is kept on my covered porch. The porch is surrounded in clear, corregated plastic on 2 sides, my house on one side and a small area (on the far end) that is open as a 'door'. The ex-pen is attached to the porch on the sides and the bottom. 14gauge welded wire is wrapped around the top. The door is locked and has a pad lock on it. Inside it is a 30gallon plastic stock tank and a storage container for food, etc. The heat lamp moves around depending on how cold it is and how old my peeps are. I have a thermometer hanging with a digital reader in the house. For smaller chicks, I can lay a wire top across the stock tank to make sure they don't end up outside of the tank and cold. The best part is: it's directly outside of my sliding glass door so I can see them from the couch!


For my ducks, I have a smaller plastic tub in it that their water bowl & food sits in to *try* and contain *some* of their mess!!

Wow! Nice! Did you build this?

That is quite an assortment of chickens you list. Are those what all your chicks will be? If so, where did you manage to get such a variety?
Wow! Nice! Did you build this?

That is quite an assortment of chickens you list. Are those what all your chicks will be? If so, where did you manage to get such a variety?

This was something I came up with based on pictures of other people's brooders. We used all materials that we had laying around so it was free with the exception of some hinges. My DH and another friend helped to build it. It has a divider with a door in the center so that I can use the 2 halves separately or as one big brooder. It's 6' x 3 1/2'. I have it in my cool, dry basement right now and the chicks have an EcoGlow Chick Brooder and a 50 watt red bulb on down there (plus regular basement lights when we are downstairs.) They are fat, happy, and love to fly onto my arms when I open the brooder up.

The 5 Quail D'Anver chicks were hatched at a friend's house while I was farm-sitting for a week. She wants me to raise them and then she only wants one or two of the bunch. They are doing great and get lots of love and attention every day. The others are all ordered from Meyer Hatchery and due to arrive Aug 2-4. I fell in love with so many different breeds that I thought I would start with one of each to see how they do and how I do at taking care of them. I would still like to get a Delaware, Dorking, Holland, Java, Naked Neck, D'Uccle, Blue Cochin, and Splash or Paint Silkies in the future, but want to wait until DH is as addicted to chickens as I am!!!
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Crate I picked up from a Bobcat dealer and converted it into a brooder.

Great use of otherwise discarded materials. Great ingenuity. Congratulations.

wow all the idea's! Now you all got my "broody box" juice's flowing with idea's.. I went thru and looked at all 168 pages!!!!. and I dont even have a incubator yet!!! and I already am Plannin on where to put the brooder LOL!!

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