BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

That's what I call the ideal brooder "has nature intended !!!

This is a picture of my best brooder, it is called the "Henny-Penny" ! Currently have 8 baby Australorps under it. Before I got the Henny-Penny, I used a big round stock water tank.
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my bathtub brooder...working on converting a 42" dog crate into a bigger one currently :)

had to modify a TV box to fit in the tub, grass clumps for interest (changed out for a chopped head of cabbage and now a pine log for perching) , a coffee can that is cardboard so it doesn't get too hot for hiding in, a bunny for softness, and a gold bead necklace for fun as well as a cat toy ball with a bell in it (the LOVE it!)
Right now we are using an old chicken crate that we took the door off the top and replaced it with the grate from an old grill. Its workin good so far but its gettin a little crowded with 17 chicks. I was goin to turn a playpen into a new brooder but I realized that would be too small in another week or so. Instead we went and got an old crib and some chicken wire and Im goin to make a brooder out of that. Hopefully this week since Im gettin tired of cleanin out their current brooder 3 times a day. Anyway Heres my current one. It looks a little different right now because I taped cardboard around the sides to keep the draft out and the poop in.

My dad likes to get pallets to burn in his garage so he is always picking up the shipping boxes when picking up pallets. I have started out with one box when the chicks were small and I have just added the second box. There is a small ramp in between the two boxes. My chicks are living in my unfinished basement which stays around 42 degrees. They are now 6 weeks old and I will be moving them to their coop once the weather gets a little better here in Michigan.

My dad likes to get pallets to burn in his garage so he is always picking up the shipping boxes when picking up pallets.  I have started out with one box when the chicks were small and I have just added the second box. There is a small ramp in between the two boxes. My chicks are living in my unfinished basement which stays around 42 degrees. They are now 6 weeks old and I will be moving them to their coop once the weather gets a little better here in Michigan.   

I love those!
My husband and I are going to be build another brooder out of a toddler bed frame. My first one is an older play pen and it works great. I just went a bit over board this time and need a second brooder. Still to early to put my little ones outside even at 4 to 5 weeks. I might have to early, they might just run out of room in there pen. I will post pics once it is done.
Here is our brooder, it is about 4 x 5 on the floor in our den with two layers of thick plastic underneath. Boy is our house dusty.
There are currently 27 chicks at 2.5 weeks of age residing there.


I love this idea! Just went on to CL and found a vanity just like this, my son and I are picking it up in an hour. We are total newbies to chicken raising and have been reading all these threads like crazy. Can't wait to get our babies!

eta- what a nice brother! ;)
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This isi the toddler bed frame brooder that my husband build for me. We are not all the way done with it but the babies are on there way and we had to get it up. We are going to put some fencing of some kind up the sides very soon, for newly hatched up to one week we should be good. I still have my play pen brood and it is full with 16 4 weeks olds.
This is the first brooder I have built. (also first time raising chickens) let me know what you think. I bought a sheet of plywood. The rest I made from scrap lumber and parts laying around my garage. I put a chain on it to keep it from slamming backwards. Also a lock on the side to keep my kids from trying to play with the chicks when dad is not around. At first I left the feeder and water on top of the litter after the birds decided they liked the litter in the food and water and the food on the floor I decided to hang them up. Let me know if you think there is anything I did wrong or that I need to add.
This is the outside view when closed.

Outside when opened.

Inside with my chicks hanging out.


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