BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

I'm still using my big plywood brooder, but need more space so I've gone over to using round stock tanks as well.


The square lid on the round tank is not the most efficient use of materials, but I have not yet come up with a way of making a round top that I like. This one keeps the birds safe, is easy to open, and allows for good ventilation.

There are fifty two White Leghorn chicks in there with this photo.
I made another brooder today. For my last set of chicks and ducklings I used an old guinea pig cage and wasnt thrilled with it. So I decided to make a new one. I use the tray that went to the other brooder and an old table and wrapped it in chicken wire I spray painted black. I made the bottom so I can lift a portion of the wire to pull the tray out to clean it. The top has half the wire secured and the other half so I can open it to reach in. I used zip ties to hold it all together. I will be adding roosts and something one end to keep drafts away. I have a few guinea eggs and 2 duck eggs due to hatch in 6 days .They will be the first to use the new brooder.

That was a Genius Idea for a Brooder. That would be good to make to have for an outside brooder for the days its nice enough to have them go outside for a bit when its not to cold or hot.

I made another brooder today. For my last set of chicks and ducklings I used an old guinea pig cage and wasnt thrilled with it. So I decided to make a new one. I use the tray that went to the other brooder and an old table and wrapped it in chicken wire I spray painted black. I made the bottom so I can lift a portion of the wire to pull the tray out to clean it. The top has half the wire secured and the other half so I can open it to reach in. I used zip ties to hold it all together. I will be adding roosts and something one end to keep drafts away. I have a few guinea eggs and 2 duck eggs due to hatch in 6 days .They will be the first to use the new brooder.

showed this to hubby after I sent the post. He says if you still had the Glass that went on top of the table.. You could have turned it into a cofee table brooder. I was Like yeah that is great idea. I would soo do that. lol

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