BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Gracejr, I like how tall your last one is! I open up my 22x22x22 inch boxes every day and "let them out" for fun and wing stretching. Maybe I'll work on how to make it taller next. But really, I need to focus on finishing the OUTSIDE coop!
Gracejr, I like how tall your last one is! I open up my 22x22x22 inch boxes every day and "let them out" for fun and wing stretching. Maybe I'll work on how to make it taller next. But really, I need to focus on finishing the OUTSIDE coop!
The shorter one worked fine (other than the toddler climbing on it!) and made it easier to keep warm, but now that they're a bit older, they are having a ball flying around. The new version is 28" high. And I hear you on finishing the outside! We FINALLY had our shed delivered yesterday, but now we have to move it to the final spot, rebuild the roof, and do all the modifications it needs to be turned into a coop. AHHHH! Really hoping we can get it done in time!

Box the lawnmower came in + 2 100 watt bulbs from the cookie tin water heaters.

This box should work until they go outside to the hutch. Next, they free range and join existing flock in the pallet duckhouse.

Safe to say they outgrew this and are now in a wardrobe box (not moving anymore ever no way haha) it's about the size of a refridgerator box I'd say. They seem to like it more but this guy or girl-wish I knew--loves to perch up and say hi whenever I come around. hope he's not a roo because he's so happy to see me. :)
awww how cute. It just one to be with you as you do your work around the house. It's amazing how small they are that they can still get on top of a tote. I used to take one of my racks out of my oven and use it for the top of the tote so they can still see us but could not get out. I Usually just use 1 rack anyway. If i needed it I just washed it off and used it.
here are my babies that have been hatching out they are in the baby brooder as we call it.

this little gray one is my silkie, The lighter one behind it is also a silkie, the big yellow ones are the buffs. the rest are a mix of australorp x with Sumantra or a blue cochin.
I had thought the one I was calling and Australorp was one but found out she is a Sumantra. And I was confirmed that what I thought about one of the hens. She is a blue Cochin. so now to keep them all together or seperate the 2 and find them mates.
Those all are some nice brooders! Great ideas to run with too! I actually made mine from an old unused bookshelf that had been stored in the barn for years. It was only a one shelf bookcase so with my trusty hammer and pry bar I had that center shelf out in seconds! I then found some scrap wood trim and screen which I made into the top. I added a couple henges and now I call it my brooder. Then made a roost that fits perfect! The overall size is around 3 x 4 foot. Works great.

Nothing super fancy but this is my first time with chicks/chickens. I live in AZ so April - August is crazy hot, while a lot of people are trying to keep there babies warm I have to make sure no one is over heating when being brooded out side.

Here you can see the heat lamp its a red 250 watt, I used it in the beginning at night and the fan during the day with the heat lamp off.

Pretty basic inside the brooder the chicks are feathering out nicely. I also put the box on a pallet so they are up off the ground.

All in all the big box with the no climb fence lid are working out great, I think my next brooder will be the same style just made out of wood so it can be reused over, this box will be thrown out after these chickies move to there tractor ;) But it was easy and cheap. I had the heat lamp, the box, the no climb, pallet, and chick supplies. All i paid for was the food and chicks :)

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