Brooder with not shavings?


Jan 29, 2024
Is it possible to raise chicks inside without shavings? We are going to get some chicks but I think my timeline of getting them in June won’t work due to a planned vacation. I need them old enough to integrate and be safely with the flock by then. So I think we are looking at needing to have them by the end of April. It’s too cold here (CT) in April to keep them in the garage. I have a spare bedroom but can we line the brooder with puppy pads? I saw someone doing that but I’m not sure if it’s ok given they could eat it 😬 please help me figure out how to do it inside 😂
Puppy pads are a better choice. Then you’re primarily dealing with chick fluff dust instead of that AND dust from the shavings. Plus, you won’t have to worry about them sampling the shavings.
Not at first. But, when they begin that practice flying, look out! Seriously, in my personal experience, the first week or two (depending on the number of chicks), it’s not that bad. I have winter hatches on occasion and keep the brooder in the utility room with an air purifier running 24/7.
Is it possible to raise chicks inside without shavings? We are going to get some chicks but I think my timeline of getting them in June won’t work due to a planned vacation. I need them old enough to integrate and be safely with the flock by then. So I think we are looking at needing to have them by the end of April. It’s too cold here (CT) in April to keep them in the garage. I have a spare bedroom but can we line the brooder with puppy pads? I saw someone doing that but I’m not sure if it’s ok given they could eat it 😬 please help me figure out how to do it inside 😂
Like the others have said, I too use puppy pads. However, the chicks still need a clean spot so what I do is line the brooder with the puppy pads and then paper towels on top of that. Then about twice a day i just keep layering the clean paper towels. I do this for about 3 days and then change everything out completely and start with fresh puppy pads.

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