Broodies a broodin

May 9, 2020
Clark County, KY
Have two hens sitting in eggs. A New Hampshire and a Buff Orpington.
15 eggs under the New Hampshire, and 14 under the Orpington.
The roosters are Buff Orpington and Hens are mainly New Hampshire, Amber Star and Buff Orpington, with a few being Rhode Island Red, Black Minorca and Black Australorp.
Under one hen I tried to have a mix of eggs representing what I believe to be from hens if several breeds.
Under the other hen I have mainly eggs from Amber Stars and possibly a few Rhode Island Reds.
Would you expect the Amber Star x Buff Orpington chicks to be white like the hens?
Also would the egg laying ability of the potential pullets be an average of the parent breeds or more towards the rooster breed?

I tried to find the answer and came up with too many variations. The best thing is, in about 11 days, you're going to find out!!

Generally, any hen who lays eggs will have 50/50 pullets to cockerels.

Wishing you a great hatch!

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