Ended Broodies & Their Babies Photo Contest

Also as you can see in the photo the dad can't be seen that's because he is actually making a fun time of harassing the mallards that were trying to eat the algea at the edge of the pond.


Not an entry
So I'm not at all trying to be pushy or be coming off as angry, but are swans a domestic? I mean surely if peafowl can be called domestic a swan can aswell right? I'm just rather curious on this topic of domestic or not domestic?
Swans can be domestic and people do own them, but there's also wild ones, like it appears in your entries. In the quote of the rules, I put an important word to be taken note of in bold letters. The broody that is in your pictures must belong to you. Please make sure all your entries is of your poultry. Sorry for the confusion on what the rules mean on domestic. I hope that this makes sense.
  1. An entry is *one* photo of  your domestic broody with at least one baby.
  2. All domestic poultry allowed (chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, peafowl, guinea fowl, quail, pheasants, emu, etc.).

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