"broody" chick or rooster?


7 Years
Apr 18, 2012
So, I have an 8 week old Silkie that will not sleep on the roost. I have 8 chicks (6 are 16 weeks old and then 2 -8 week silkies) the other silkie sleeps on the roost with everyone else but this one only ever sleep in the nest box. He/she burrows down in the bedding and sleeps all alone every night - my friend said she is broody but I am thinking 8 weeks is a bit young for that. Maybe she is a he? should I be worried?
At 8 weeks, it may be to soon for the chick to feel confident enough to roost. My Silkies, even as adults, slept on the ground. Give it some time, or, take it out of the nest box each night and place it on the roost until it gets the hint. Good luck!
thanks for the reply - her partner was up on the roost the first night so I was starting to get concerned and having a tough time finding any info on it online. Figured she maybe had social anxiety or something - my other girls are 16 weeks old and I did catch one of them picking on her the other day -she sure does love bedding down in there and spends at least 10 minutes getting all buried in the bedding - I suppose I should just leave her be for another week or so and see what happens.

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