broody chickens. What to do. Problem solved check this out......


12 Years
Nov 28, 2007
Abilene, TX
I have 3 buff rocks, and all 3 decided to go broody. They don't lay, and they make a ton
of noise.How do I keep them from doing this, or do I need to just get rid of them. I only
have 10 chickens and while they are being difficult I'm not getting eggs. What to do. Should
I have chicken for dinner next week?
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Place them in a wire cage with only food or water for several days and then see if they stop being broody. If that doesn't work either try blocking off the nest boxes at night or continue collecting eggs so that they have nothing to sit on.
Place that wire cage up on blocks or sawhorses, or hang it from the rafters, so they get a nice breeze up underneath them. That helps break their broody spell.

If their broodiness is bothersome to you, you might do better selling them to someone who wants broody hens, rather than have them for dinner guests.
I have two that are doing the same thing. They sit in the boxes all day and night. When Cinderella lays an egg they sit on it or break it. It has been over a month for one of them. I was wondering if it lasts that long. And I think only one may be laying. I take them out to make them eat and drink but they go back in there.
I have a good sized rabbit hutch that is not in use right now. If I put all 3 in there will that be alright. It is 2 ft tall x 6 ft. wide x 2.5 ft deep. Put a little food, and water in there, and call it a day? I have no rooster, so broody hens do me no good.
That's a good start. My DD broke a broody by taking her on repeated outings - freerange in the dog kennel, etc.
My big issue with brrodies is that they don't lay and they seldom eat. Unhealthy and not useful!
That's just how I feel since I don't have a rooster either!
I have two that are doing the same thing. They sit in the boxes all day and night. When Cinderella lays an egg they sit on it or break it. It has been over a month for one of them. I was wondering if it lasts that long. And I think only one may be laying. I take them out to make them eat and drink but they go back in there.

I have a Silkie that has hatched 3 clutches continuously. This last clutch we allowed her to keep the chicks to raise bc I feel if I didn't, she'd stay broody for even longer. She's a very devoted broody/mother.​
I finished the rabbit hutch which has no occupants at this time, and insert broody hens.
They absolutely hate it in there, but I'm gonna let them chill out there until they snap out
of it. Here it is, and 3 unhappy hens.



Awww poor baby girls.
I have two trying to be broody right now and if it weren't for the rain that's delayed the building of my new coop and runs, I'd let them sit some eggs.

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