Broody hen hatched baby chick ... now what?!


Jun 30, 2022
I decided to give my broody hen some hatching eggs and then a second hen started to sit right along with her. They only successfully hatched 1 egg yesterday. I was hoping for mother nature to take its course and it seemed like one of the hens was going to take care of her, but now it seems they're both back in the nesting box even though I've taken all the other unfertilized eggs. I really don't have a place to set up a brooder at the moment and am worried about this little guy. The rest of the hens seem to be leaving it alone, for now ..... Is there a way to get mama to do her job? Also, the chick doesn't seem to be moving around too well yet. When I pick her up her legs and wings seem to move just fine and she's actively chirping. Does she just need more time? I've set out food and water that the other hens keep eating. Any help appreciated!!
Put the chick under one of the mothers. And then monitor.
It would have been ideal if you had taken the second hen and put her in a broody breaker so that she wasn't interfering with the entire hatching process. But that's a moot point now.
successfully hatched 1 egg yesterday...Does she just need more time?
More time is probably what the chick and the hen need. I would wait at least another day before getting worried.

Is there a way to get mama to do her job? Also, the chick doesn't seem to be moving around too well yet. When I pick her up her legs and wings seem to move just fine and she's actively chirping. Does she just need more time? I've set out food and water that the other hens keep eating. Any help appreciated!!
The chick does not need to eat for the first 2-3 days. (Eating sooner will not hurt the chick, but you do not need to worry if it waits.)

It's pretty normal for the hen to stay on the nest, and the chick to mostly stay under the hen, for at least 24 hours after hatching. This allows time for any other eggs to hatch (obviously not happening this time), but it also lets the chick get better at walking around.

I've set out food and water that the other hens keep eating.
You could set out enough food and water the other hens get full and wander off.
Or you could shut the other hens out of the coop.
my hens sit in the nest box with the babies for 2-3 days then bring them out into the coop but not outside for another couple of days. I do out a couple times a day and puta bit of food in the nest box with them (on something then remove it) and hold a thing for them to get a drink. That is probably over the top but I get worried when they won't get up to at least get a drink and something to eat at least once a day.

But mama staying in with baby and baby not getting around well is normal for the first 24 hrs or even a couple days. I am guessing you candled the other eggs before you removed them? they don't always hatch right at the same time and can be a day or so apart.
Put the chick under one of the mothers
So the nesting boxes are raised off the ground and I found the chick on the ground this morning (I have 3-4" of bedding" but I am worried about putting it back up there. I just checked and the first broody hen has come down but is just hanging out with the chick, not on top. It is summer so 85 degrees out but shouldn't she still be under her for warmth? I'm afraid if I move her under tho the hen will just jump back up in the nesting box and leave her again.

I am guessing you candled the other eggs before you removed them?
I don't have a rooster so the other eggs were just unfertilized ones that they stole from the other hens. The 5 other fertilized eggs just disappeared slowly ...
So the nesting boxes are raised off the ground and I found the chick on the ground this morning (I have 3-4" of bedding" but I am worried about putting it back up there. I just checked and the first broody hen has come down but is just hanging out with the chick, not on top. It is summer so 85 degrees out but shouldn't she still be under her for warmth? I'm afraid if I move her under tho the hen will just jump back up in the nesting box and leave her again.

I don't have a rooster so the other eggs were just unfertilized ones that they stole from the other hens. The 5 other fertilized eggs just disappeared slowly ...
Find something to put up to block the opening a bit. My nest boxes have a board across the bottom to hold in the bedding and as long as bedding inside is low enough the babies don't go over it at first. You can even use cardboard from a box that is around 3-4" above the bedding and it should hold baby in. But where she already has a baby she may just stay with it if you move it. If you can check often I would try it and see.

The chick will go under or burry into moms fluff if it is cold. Even on 60* days mine would hang out beside or on top of mom and just tuck in if it wanted to warm up. Don't worry baby knows what it is doing. And mom probably does too

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