Broody hen poultry show! ENDS: 8th of June


Mar 19, 2021
My Coop
My Coop
"Waiting for eggs to hatch is a slow process, we feel like we are going crazy, we wish we could speed up time. sadly, we can't speed up time, but I'm going to make a contest to help us forget about the eggs, have fun and make time fly by!"- Me in the BROODY HATCH-A-LONG (please check that out!)

Even if you don't have any eggs to wait for, join in.

The Contest
the name says it all, without annoying your broodies or new mammas, take some pictures and the top 3 best pictures win! Sorry no prizes!
You can have broody hens or hens with babies aged up to 4 weeks old. Looks of the hen (and chicks if she has them) are part of the contest, so are the quality of the photos.

Rules (please read)
  • breed, name and age of hen must be written
  • If there are chicks in the photo, age and breed must be said
  • If there are eggs, day they are on must be said
  • any poultry breeds are allowed
  • If there are chicks in the photo, they can't be over 4 weeks old
  • You can add extra information if you want

these are NOT my pictures, they are google images. I made up this information, too.


Minnie- Mamma hen, RIR, 1 year old
5 RIR chicks- 4 days old


Pepper- RIR, 1 year old
Her first time being broody
6 RIR eggs- day 7
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