Broody hen sick?


7 Years
Apr 29, 2012
My Black Australorp has been brooding 10 guinea eggs. I thought they might be fertile, but it's been more than 5 weeks (28 days is usual for guins). She refuses to leave the eggs, so I got 7 black Australorp chicks yesterday hoping she would care for them and forget the eggs. She has accepted the chicks, and I moved her & chx out of nesting box into a 4' x 4' brooder, with feed & water for her as well as chx starter for the chx. Now that she is in the light I can see that her comb and wattles are very pale, and seem shrunken. Her beak is open often and she seems to be 'panting.' I know she did leave the nest box for food and water, but she has not been outside (they free-range in the afternoons). She gets lacto-fermented layer feed, sprouted barley & sunflower seeds, and fresh water. She does eat, in fact I put a small amount of feed in her box daily while she brooded and she would eat it eagerly.She still wants to sit on the eggs but covers the chx as well. I notice that one of the chx nips at her wattles constantly when her head is down, and don't know if it is hurting her or not.

I am worried that she has become sick from brooding such an unusually long time. Is there anything I can do for her besides offer good food and fresh water? Should I remove the eggs, hoping she will get up and about and begin free-ranging with the chicks? Thanks for any advice. -Kathrynne
Brooding frequently takes a lot out of a hen, and five weeks is pushing the outer limits. I would suggest removing the eggs and disrupting the nest. She should start moving about with her chicks shortly. Check to see that she and the nest site are not mite infested. This can happen and in my experience happens more so on extended incubations.
Thank you! I did move her and chx yesterday to a 4 x 4' box on the floor of the coop. And just today I've noticed her picking at herself, and wondered if it was mites.

The straw in the coop has wood ash, peat moss, and diatomaceous earth, but is it too late for it to help?

I will check her, and the next for mites. If I find them, is there a particular product you recommend for treatment?

Thanks for your help,

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