Broody jail!


Feb 24, 2020
My Coop
My Coop
I finally gave up on my 'milder' attempts to break my GLW, Betty White, of her broodiness, so it is off to broody jail for her! If only I had known she would go broody before getting some new chicks in May, but I will keep it in mind for next summer to see if she might adopt some chicks.

I'm not an expert on this. I never used a jail. But I believe you shouldn't put any savings or other comfy materials on the floor.
I think a roost (a stick through the wire) would be a good idea to give the chicken a nice place to rest.
Hi @BDutch, the shavings are to absorb droppings, she isn't using them to nest and has spent most of her time trying to get out. I'm not adding a roost since she will be go back to the coop at night so I don't risk a raccoon trying to grab her at night. I know it's better to keep her in broody jail at night too, but I don't have room in the coop for the whole crate.

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