Broody Prairie Bluebell ?


Dec 24, 2019
Mid Missouri
I have one !

It was my understanding that these type of hatchery mixes rarely go broody, but one of mine sure is ! Any insight into this Hoovers exclusive mix, or broodiness of other mixes, would be welcome.

I've only been a chicken tender for a bit over a year and and half, and never experienced a broody, but using @aart's description, I have a screeching pancake, :) hogging the best nest box, and ticking like a flattened time bomb when I push her to the coop floor.

I actually thought she had died in the nest box because she was so flat, and unmoving, and when I reached in to grab her out, she launched a sudden, vicious (sounding) attack, accompanied by a screeching sound I've never heard before,:eek: and scared the bejesus out of me !!! I won't go into detail, but I'm sure my reaction was comical ..... Good thing I don't have a coop cam !!! :lau

All this happened with unfortunate timing, as I had to cull my rooster almost a month ago, and from what I've read here, the eggs aren't fertile at this point.

Anyway, just thought I'd share my experience with y'all, and wondered if anyone else with a factory mix had any go broody.
Couldn't decide between a wow emoji and a laughing one. Dealing with broodies can be serious, but your description of the situation is great!

My Prairie Bluebell -- who is also a house chicken (long story) has shown NO interest in her eggs. She likes to tell me when she's laid so I will remove the egg and give her a grape.

But, I understand that flat-chicken-scaring-you part. One of my Salmon Faverolles also appears dead -- until she offers up a scream that would wake the dead.

Hope this resolves soon for you!
Couldn't decide between a wow emoji and a laughing one. Dealing with broodies can be serious, but your description of the situation is great!

My Prairie Bluebell -- who is also a house chicken (long story) has shown NO interest in her eggs. She likes to tell me when she's laid so I will remove the egg and give her a grape.

But, I understand that flat-chicken-scaring-you part. One of my Salmon Faverolles also appears dead -- until she offers up a scream that would wake the dead.

Hope this resolves soon for you!
I just wish I had some fertile eggs !
I have one !

It was my understanding that these type of hatchery mixes rarely go broody, but one of mine sure is ! Any insight into this Hoovers exclusive mix, or broodiness of other mixes, would be welcome.

I've only been a chicken tender for a bit over a year and and half, and never experienced a broody, but using @aart's description, I have a screeching pancake, :) hogging the best nest box, and ticking like a flattened time bomb when I push her to the coop floor.

I actually thought she had died in the nest box because she was so flat, and unmoving, and when I reached in to grab her out, she launched a sudden, vicious (sounding) attack, accompanied by a screeching sound I've never heard before,:eek: and scared the bejesus out of me !!! I won't go into detail, but I'm sure my reaction was comical ..... Good thing I don't have a coop cam !!! :lau

All this happened with unfortunate timing, as I had to cull my rooster almost a month ago, and from what I've read here, the eggs aren't fertile at this point.

Anyway, just thought I'd share my experience with y'all, and wondered if anyone else with a factory mix had any go broody.
Well once all mine went broody at the same time. I think this breed is more prone to it.
I've considered this, but know absolutely nothing about broodies ....

How long do they stay broody ? She is back on the now empty nest. Can't keep her off of it ..... Been researching how to break her, but if I could get eggs fast enough .....
They usally hatch for 21- 23 days and raise the chicks for 4-11 weeks before they start laying again and let the chicks on their own.
I've considered this, but know absolutely nothing about broodies ....

How long do they stay broody ? She is back on the now empty nest. Can't keep her off of it ..... Been researching how to break her, but if I could get eggs fast enough .....
You can get fertile eggs from a number of hatcheries. @aart knows how to break them if that's what you want. It's totally up to you. If you do decide to hatch eggs just make sure you have the space for more birds and a plan for the ones you don't keep😁
If you check Craigslist there's usually someone selling fertile/hatching eggs. I've bought barnyard mix eggs from local sellers for $2 a dozen and had an 88% hatch rate. I've also bough cream legbar eggs for $2each and am hoping to have chicks soon. You can also get shipped eggs from Etsy or ebay but I've had horrible luck with them this year so I wouldn't personally recommend it.

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