Brought home 2 younger hens!


8 Years
Mar 7, 2016
Virginia, USA
I know EVERYONE is going to chastise me for not quarantining. I get it, but it's a risk I choose to take.

I purchased two hens from some folks on craig's list that are younger than my two current hens. One Golden Laced Wyandotte and a golden comet. Both of the new hens are bigger than the older ones, but my boss hen is asserting her dominance so far. They tried to roost on the gate of my fence (and one of my old hens too!). Once I put them on the roost in the coop they were fine.

They started squabbling out the new pecking order this morning.
Yes in their own run, that way the ones who are pecking them will get used to having them around and won't pick on them when they come out
Yes in their own run, that way the ones who are pecking them will get used to having them around and won't pick on them when they come out

Well they're all in the same run for the day. I'll have to see how things go and see if a separate run is going to be necessary. They have to sleep together, but there are separate roosts for them.
As long as no blood shed, then leave them to figure it out...Too many talk about quarantine but no nothing on how extensive bio security is in the first place so disease will be transferred'm sure they will figure it out....

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