brown leghorn laying green eggs?


Farm girl in the city.
Jan 25, 2023
Rochester, NY
My Coop
My Coop
We have a brown leghorn, Bucket, who is 18 weeks, and has been laying small green eggs for a week and a half now. Of our 6 hens, she has been one of the first two to come into lay, and at first we thought the eggs were just freak "getting started" eggs. But now we have a bunch of them, and confirmed sightings of her laying them! Below is a picture of the week's first eggs (the one in the foreground is a grocery store egg for scale.) They're all sort of "fairy sized" and the light brown ones are coming from our Buff Sussex Andie. Picture below was total "take" from two days ago; today Bucket laid another olive egg for a total of seven.

Bucket, the brown leghorn, has white earlobes and a single comb, wattles and yellow skin and shanks of her breed. We got her from a local hatchery whose owner is kind of flaky and who may not be precise about his breedings. What do you think? Do we have an olive egger masquerading as a leghorn?

(I would be delighted if we did!)

olive eggs.jpeg
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One of my brown leghorns lays green eggs also (about a dozen now). She has one green toe (green goes up her toe and partially goes around her "ankle"). Her sister lays blush white eggs. It was an awesome surprise! 🥰


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One of my brown leghorns lays green eggs also (about a dozen now). She has one green toe (green goes up her toe and partially goes around her "ankle"). Her sister lays blush white eggs. It was an awesome surprise! 🥰
Isn't it great when you find out that you get Easter eggs instead of supermarket white?
Isn't it great when you find out that you get Easter eggs instead of supermarket white?
It was a wonderful surprise! I see the appeal of Easter eggers, waiting to see what colors you get. Now if only prairie Bluebell would finally surprise me with an egg....

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