Brown/White Chinese offspring sexlink?


5 Years
Jul 12, 2016
Hello, I have some Chinese geese. I've read that a mix between the brown and white create a sexlink. From what I've read though, I've seen people say female gosling are white, males are dark...and vise versa. I was just wondering if anybody knew exactly what the outcome was of the auto sexing? This would be great to know as I'm trying to grow my flock, but don't want to keep a bunch of male goslings around after they hatch.
I have a 1 hen and 1 gander brown, and 1 hen and 2 ganders white. I'll probably try build 2 new pens and put the hens into pens with the opposite colored ganders, so that all of the offspring are auto sexing.
I wish I could help with this, but Chinese geese, being originally derived from the swan geese of Asia and not the Grey Lag like all other domestic breeds, have different color genetics. I could tell you what would happen in a non-asiatic breed, but these guys are different.

White in European breeds is sex linked, but what I can find on the Chinese goose is that their white is actually a result of the 'c' gene, same as in chickens and ducks, and that gene is NOT sex linked.

I wish I could help more but I'm not really turning up much info when searching for an answer.

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