Buff Orp pile up (Pics)

The only thing about putting the roost outside is that the run isnt protected from rain or snow or wind yet so i figured when it is winter they sleep in the coop and in the summer they sleep outside. Would the wind effect them when I put a roost outside? The coop would be difficult to rebuild now becasue it isnt that easy to get into. I guess i am going to need to buy some of those plastic roofing panels
Oh yes, they are plotting something, those girls. Thwart their plans by building roosts. You must put a stop to the gathering and chattering before the mutiny plot is finalized! Up with the planks I say! Save yourself from total chicken domination. You must foil the plan. Then laugh deep and loud into the coop so they know their conspiracy has been found out.
You only need one box for every 3-4 hens. They lay and get out and the next one moves in and lays too.

I would discourage them from sleeping/roosting in the nest boxes. try to put a roost inside.

It's also not really a great idea for them to sleep / roost outside during the summer months... they are more vulnerable to predators. Much safer to be locked inside at night...just my opinion.

Good luck

Those chickens are just utilizing what they have been provided. Their natural instinct would be to roost at night in some elevated location. If they don't have a roost their second instinct would kick in and they will all gather up in a favorite corner somewhere.

Providing a roost out in their run would be counter productive if they wouldn't have adequate protection from the elements out there. Chances are they wouldn't use the outside roost anyway.

The best solution in this case might be to just let them sleep in their chosen corner and then attempt to get them to use another area for nesting. If part of the nesting area was made to look attractive to them for nesting they might use it for egg laying. If the birds have access to boxes with hay or straw and a retainer board to keep the nesting material in place it will look and feel like a good place to lay their eggs and chances are they will use it.
I can get the run protected from the elements. But the way the house is built it would be some what impossible to build a roost but i will look into it. If i can't get a roost inside then a roost outside would be better then no roost at all.

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