

Jul 30, 2020
This is for anyone who hates buff Orpingtons to rant about them. This is strictly BUFF Orps. Not Orpingtonss in general. Though I don’t mind if you rant about all orpingtons. ;)

But if you like most Orps, just not buff, you are welcome here too.

If you are a buff Orpington LOVER do NOT come here and get angry or call us stupid for hating buff Orps. I’m all for bickering. But if you wish to argue about why buff Orpingtons are great please make your own thread and tag me in it. I will even link it in this post for others who want to bicker.

Bickering thread:

If you love buff Orps this is not the thread for you and go show your love for those vomit Orpingtons in this thread:

Now don’t be fooled. I don’t hate all Orpingtons. Just buff Orps and hatchery Orpingtonss. Buff Hatchery Orpingtons being the worst of both worlds. I would die for a English lavender cuckoo Orp, or and English Blue Laced, Or really any English Orpington that isn’t buff. Especially if they are @ColtHandorf ‘s English Orps. :drool

***Adding Buff Orpington Rant to Beginning Post***

My complaints about Buff Orpingtons:
  1. Solid Buff is UGLY. Not just on Orps. But on all breeds in general.
  2. I HATE when people call their Buff Orpingtons “buffs“ “buffies” “buff” “Buffy” etc... Orpingtons aren’t the only breeds that come in buff you know. :rolleyes:
  3. I HATE HATE HATE. When people are looking for breed recommendation and people say “Buff Orpingtons” why not just say “Orpington?” The color doesn’t change the breed you know.
  4. The common hatchery Orps have ZERO fluff. Orpingtons are suppose to be a fluffy breed but instead you get skinny non fluffy things that look like this 🤮:
  5. They are way overrated. Too much hype for what most people call “Buff Orps“ are really just hatchery production birds far from what an actual Orpington should be.
  6. People keep spamming photos of their BOs trying to convince me to like them which makes me despise them more. :)
  7. When people call them a “breed.” “Buff orpingtons are my favorite breed!” No, orpingtons are your favorite breed, buff is your favorite variety. You won’t hear me saying “Crele Bantam cochins are my favorite breed!”
  8. Their primary #1 fans are young children who get offended when people do not like the look of their favorite bird.
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My complaints about Buff Orpingtons:
  1. Solid Buff is UGLY. Not just on Orps. But on all breeds in general.
  2. I HATE when people call their Buff Orps “buffs“ “buffies” “buff” “Buffy” etc... Orpingtons aren’t the only breeds that come in buff you know. :rolleyes:
  3. I HATE HATE HATE. When people are looking for breed recommendation and people say “Buff Orpingtons” why not just say “Orpington?” The color doesn’t change the breed you know.
  4. The common hatchery Orps have ZERO fluff. Orpingtons are suppose to be a fluffy breed but instead you get skinny non fluffy things that look like this 🤮:

My complaints about Buff Orpingtons:
  1. Solid Buff is UGLY. Not just on Orps. But on all breeds in general.
  2. I HATE when people call their Buff Orps “buffs“ “buffies” “buff” “Buffy” etc... Orpingtons aren’t the only breeds that come in buff you know. :rolleyes:
  3. I HATE HATE HATE. When people are looking for breed recommendation and people say “Buff Orpingtons” why not just say “Orpington?” The color doesn’t change the breed you know.
  4. The common hatchery Orps have ZERO fluff. Orpingtons are suppose to be a fluffy breed but instead you get skinny non fluffy things that look like this 🤮:

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They are way overrated. Too much hype for what most people call “Buff Orps“ are really just hatchery production birds far from what an actual Orpington should be.
We are all entitled to our own thoughts an opinions. I have a (Buff) Orpington, she was a last second pick cause the speckled sussex was out of stock. Not my favorite but nothing for me to hate particularly. I don't find myself strikingly impressed with this breed. :idunnoGosh she is DRAMATIC though! Wouldn't go out of my way to seek out BO's, there are others I like better for sure!

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