Buff Orpingtons and Production Red



Less than a week ago I purchased 6 Buff Orpington chicks (Tractor Supply).

Three chicks are growing very well and are developing personalities, 2 are growing okay and one is failing to thrive. I put a little dot on her head so I could keep an eye on her, that earned her the name 'Dottie'. Dottie is not being picked on but she just won't grow. I help her to drink and encourage her to eat. At 3 am I gave her some cooked egg, some honey water. Then I thought of a way to give her a chance.

Today I went back to Tractor Supply hoping to buy more BO chicks but, no, none available today. Selecting the most suitable from what was available I purchased 4 Production Red (Cackle Hatchery) and now have 2 separate brooders. Also bought some Nutri-Drench for the water. Please wish me and little Dottie luck. Advice is welcome. Thank you.
Good. Put 1 1/2 teaspoons of Drench in a a quart waterer. For the next 2 weeks. No need for vinegar, or electrolytes. The Drench will take care of those needs.
Thanks for the info. Yes, I checked and the electrolytes is not what is needed at this time.
May I ask about Vitamin B-12. Is there any benefit to adding that? (And I really hope I don't have to inject it!!) Thanks.
At the moment Dottie is resting comfortably. She had a very long day and I am hoping to see some improvement soon.
You don't need the vitamin 12 when you have Nutri-drench. And, honestly, I don't know what advantage there would be in giving it unless you're worried about anemia.

I've had wonderful success getting a failure-to-thrive chick to perk up and start growing by give it minced boiled egg with a little Nutri-drench drizzled over the top. Also tofu is a very good pre-digested food for failure-to-thrive chicks. I crumble it up into tiny bits and drizzle the Nutri-drench over it as a sundae. I let all the chicks eat it so the tiny one is stimulated to take part. Chicks eat better when left with the others.
Thanks for the support.
Update on Dottie.
She is doing so much better now that she is with the new (smaller) chicks. They are grouping together to eat, drink and rest. She is standing taller, seems more steady when she walks. Her eyes are open more now as they had been partially closed before. I think Nutri-Drench is the best thing ever invented!! I'll be steaming some eggs and will give some yolk to all the chicks. I took a short video to show Dottie eating with her new sisters but have no clue how to share a video.
Let's hope this works. It is a short video of Dottie eating with new new sisters. She is lighter in color and has a faint dot on her head. The noise in the background is my dog Jack who loves his chickens...but from a safe distance for now.
I had a chicken that was the same size a month after hatching she ate fine and drank a lot of water then suddenly died
Dottie seems lethargic. Have you checked for pasty butt? If she's had pasty butt, she needs to be watched for constipation.

She should be give a drop of straight Nutri-drench each day until she catches up. It goes right into the blood stream and this could make a critical difference in her case if she has underdeveloped organs. It will give her immediately energy so she has the strength to eat.

It's better to feed the whole egg as the white is where the immediate energy is. The yolk is good protein for the long haul.

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