Buggin out!


11 Years
May 19, 2008
East Bethel MN
Ok so I have had this little problem before with these (I assume mites of some sort) I had gone awhile with no issues then all the sudden when its time to bring the no winter hardy breeds indoors. I have a strict maintenance schedule and every 3 months they are all treated with ivermectin pour on followed by a good spray down with adams flea and tick spray. I gut the coop and lock them out for the day. Powder the heck out of every nook and cranny with poultry dust, wash out the nests and spray them down with the flea and tick spray too. Then I add fresh bedding mixed with DE to keep things "dry". I muck the bedding out once a month typically but use the dlm over winter. While they get their dosages of ivermectin and the spray I trim spurs and toenails. Works out pretty slick. Anyway back to these indestructible bugs I have going on here. I had treated the whole flock as I usually do before winter sets in and the other day noticed the birds I house in my basement are crawling with these bugs again, not only are they crawling with them these bugs are also all over EVERYTHING! Including me when I go in there. I have tried everything, flea baths, poultry dust, sevindust,adams,ivermectin ect NOTHING is killing these things and I am crawling out of my flipping skin on a daily basis now. I have had one heck of a time trying to identify them, I have posted threads on here in the past with no luck but maybe today is my lucky day??? I heard about some sulfer treatment but with winter on its way I have no time to bathe and blowdry 37 birds... I managed to get a pic of a slew of them on a bowl I use to set the waterer on. They were also all over the feed dish (which was plastic and they seem to migrate to all the time) Not a very good pic but maybe it will help, I had to shut off the flash on the camera to get the lil buggers to show up, they look like specks of pepper...Does anyone know where I can send a scoop of them to to have them identify them so I can figure out the best plan of action? Because having to get rid of all the bedding on a regular basis and go all rambo on the house trying to kill every one of them before I fill all the enclosures full of fresh bedding and not to mention cost of spray and dust ect has literally BROKE THE BANK This is no longer fun, it is a NIGHTMARE


They are crawling out of my hair and all over my face as I type. Please help!
Pine shavings, a few years ago I got a bad batch of pine shavings from Marth I have had this horrible problem more often then not ever since. I first thought they were wood mites but I guess not, I am thinking some sort of feathermite and thats why NOTHING is working?

I can literally drown these bugs in a pile of poutry dust or sevindust or the adams and within a few minute sthey crawl right outta there very much alive!
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Hmm..wow...aside from culling the entire flock, treating the yard, basement and house, putting up a new fence and destroying your coop and burning it to build a new one....I am at a loss. You have done everything I would have done.

I had these once with some silkies I bought but was able to eradicate it in a month. None of my other birds got it. Now that I don't have any silkies anymore, we are reusing their coop for Japanese bantams. I put a big pile of the sevin dust in the middle and blew it with a leaf blower every 5 days for a month (no one was living there) and sprayed with bleach water. Let it sit empty for 30 days and now everyone is happy! I haven't seen a mite or lice in ages since the silkies have gone. It is also very warm and humid here, PRIME environment for bugs but we haven't had a problem.

My best advice would be to contact the Poultry Improvement program, USDA or even a poultry farmer.

I wish you the very best of luck! This CAN'T be easy...
Good Idea, I'll give my state vet a call and see what he has to say. I am NPIP tested, dunno why I didn't think of that to begin with LOL thanks!
I was ready to burn everything down and run for the hills nekkid scratching the whole way!

However I can't take the loss on the $200,000 property or the new coop we just built for over 2 grand...

It's not easy omg i am just beside myself with these things.
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