Building a coop for someone else

I don't think $1000 is out of line for building a coop and run. I'd definitely get half before starting, and have them sign for the reminder when finished.
I wouldn't be the bank either. Any materials they purchase. Don't go by the stuff with your money.
Oh no, this is the first job my husband and I have done for someone kinda like this. Just the first job doing a coop. He did tell them half upfront and half when it’s finish. He just wrapped up a porch and some foundation walls for someone. We are just not sure if this guy will pay when it’s done. We will for sure have some kind of paper work done. My husband is a kind hearted person and has been taken advantage of in the past so he has learned.

As far as the materials go, if we don’t have what we need we don’t do any work. So if he wants it done in a timely manner it will be on him.
I have come to learn that regardless of what the "hoped for" price is, you are valuing your time of which you could be using to relax or further your own goals.

When I was a bit younger I had more of a zeal for helping whoever asked, and now I'm more selective with my charity. I still love helping people but I get to be more choosy because those are hours I could have been spending with my own birds or improving my own property.

You get to put your own dollar amount on your time! And other people can act accordingly :)

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