Building new coop 10x24...questions


9 Years
May 5, 2010
SE Minnesota
My husband has agreed to build me a new coop come spring. He is drafting it on auto cad as we speak. There will be a main coop area and then a storage area. We are thinking of doing roosts all on one end, so the main part of poop duty is contained to one end. On the other end would be nesting boxes and food area. Does anyone have a larger coop and would you be able to post pictures of it so I could see the inside layout? As soon as hubby gets done with the drawing I will post it on here for input.
Look around in the coop section ... lots of great pics!
Thanks Happy Chooks....that's helpful.
This is what hubby came up with this afternoon while I was nappping before I had to work.

The far right side would be storage area. Middle area would be nest boxes. And the left end will be roosts with ladders. There will be a solid wall between the roosts and the laying area with a hole cut for the chicks to go back and forth.
With the room that he has given me I could all most triple my bird collection....but people would probably think that I fell off the deep end.
Now March just needs to hurry up and get here so the ground will start to thaw and I can start building....suppose DH will have to help me...I'm not real great in the bldg dept.
Any input on the design to this pt would be much appreciated.

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