Building the fortress: one homestead at a time

Jul 27, 2019
Freeland, Michigan
Hi everyone! Conrad from Freeland here... Mortician by trade & Army Veteran recently medically retired from my infrastructure job...too many hard/play hard!!!

I’m incredibly new to this addictive thing you all call chicken raising...I know jack squat about this stuff even though I’ve been studying for 2 years, watching literally thousands of YouTube videos, and reading every article I could find on chickens (my family thinks I’m insane)...

I ordered my girls (16)assorted brown laying (2) Easter eggers last week from Hoover’s Hatchery and they came right away... lost 1... grabbed 3 more from TSC to give me a solid 20...
I believe I have Jersey Giants, RIR, Easter Eggers, Cinnamon Queen, Orpington, New Hampshire Red, Black Sex Link and a couple I can’t recognize yet...
I enjoy doing things that bring something into my household ie., hunting, fishing, chickens, gardening, woodworking, cooking, freeze drying, canning, cleaning, it helps justify time & expenses while making me feel good about providing... also building the “coop fortress” ties into my Woodworking & military side...
There’s a wife: JoAnne, 5 children (2 remaining at home) and Bentley aka Bensonburner a Boxer Mastiff mix who definitely thinks he’s a child of ours...
I stumbled on BYC searching the web for different questions I had...

I’ve built the “coop compound” off of my barn and will send photos soon in hopes that you all will critique & recommend what I’ve done right/wrong.



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