Built a chicken tractor this weekend! Captured the build in photos...

I applaud your building efforts.
Indeed, as will the access door in the coop.
Aluminum ridge cap might work on apex, with some bending.
Not sure about access door.
A-frames are tough to weather proof and ventilate.
How big is that floor platform?
Do you expect them to sleep in the nests?

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
View attachment 2112853

Yep, those are all problems I'm trying to solve. I love the stove pipe idea for the ridge cap. I was thinking of something like PVC, but stove pipe is cuter and fits the aesthetic.

Keeping water out of the coop door is a tougher problem. I may build a little awning, maybe.

Floor platform is 4 feet long by about 2.5 feet wide. I don't expect them to sleep anywhere in particular... wherever they're comfortable is fine with me. I hope they'll lay in the coop area, but even that is up to them.

I'm planning to add another flap "door" of sorts on below the back coop "wall," over the wire. I'll hinge it so it can be down and provide a second wall and therefore a sheltered corner in the run under the platform, or I can prop it up and place a brood lamp under it when they're young (like now), and the brood lamp be sheltered. I'll use some sort of flexible waterproof material to create a barrier at the gap.

Regarding ventilation, it probably needs a bit more. One side is completely open, and I want to cut a small ventilation hole in the back opposite the open side, and put wire over it, but I didn't think of it until it was complete.
Don't you need to secure the bottom from digging predators? I thought the rule of thumb was either an 18" hardware cloth buried in a vertical trench (not practical for a tractor) OR an 18" horizontal wing off from the edge of the frame. (And I have found digging rodents have no problem going below that horizontal wing.). Wouldn't you need to put a hardware cloth bottom on it too? To protect your babies from weasels or rats etc.? I'd love a tractor, but don't get how to assure safety.

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