Built a PVC HoopCoop chicken tractor an documented the process

I put together a chicken tractor to put the chickens to work on the garden bed area and documented the process. There are bookmarks in the video and the video description if you want to see the process and jump around. I used just scrap wood I had at the house and pvc along with the fencing material.

saving, watching later on big screen. ty
This is inspiring!! I’ve made it to the 4th little time block and will need to watch the whole thing on my computer later this week, having begun to lose all hope for assembling a portable structure like this.
This is inspiring!! I’ve made it to the 4th little time block and will need to watch the whole thing on my computer later this week, having begun to lose all hope for assembling a portable structure like this.
That makes me glad I went ahead and filmed everything! I ran into several frustrating issues that hopefully you can keep in mind to avoid and learn from. Not huge stuff, but definitely cost me some time.

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