Bully drakes

Agreed, unfortunatly, once ducks decide that someone is not cool, than that's it. I think that there are alot of factors that can play into it, in particular love of a one particular female over another. I have 5 males and 5 females right now (4 are becoming roast duck on Sunday) and they are actually all functioning pretty well, however when there is a fight it is between 2 of the males over one particular female...like oh wow an episode of Jerry Springducker in my backyard.

LOL Jerry Springducker I must have missed that one..
I plan to keep the gang leader separate at least till the weekend
Keep us updated.
I am very keen to hear of the outcome or a solution, have a similar situation. Should I post my particulars in a new thread so as not to hijack this or add-on?


It is still going well this morning all the ducks are hanging out together peacefully except the big bully he is still caged.

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