Bumblefoot and missing feathers on chest?


In the Brooder
Dec 30, 2021
I just bought 3 quail hens 2 days ago and just noticed their feet have some droppings stuck on and lumps. The white hen is also missing a patch feathers on her chest. They preen quite a lot but I haven't seen them pull any out and plus there are no feathers laying around in their cage. So maybe she was like this when i bought her? the bald spot is an an awkward spot that you can only see holding her upside down. I've looked them over for mites and haven't seen any and they have a container with sand for them to bath in. I'm using sugar cane mulch that i turn and add a bit more on top. I've read to soak their feet but they are nervous and already stressed from the move so I'm worried about doing that. UPDATE: another female is missing a patch of feathers on her chest as well.
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I'm sorry no one has responded to your post.

I don't know much about Quail. If they are scratching a lot, then consider dusting them with a Permethrin based poultry dust.
To me, the bald spot is probably from laying/sitting in soiled bedding, I would just keep watch on the skin for any break down of tissue, scabs, etc. If the skin looks ok, then just monitor it.
For the feet, you can try soaking in epsom salts. Give a light rubbing. Hoping some of that is just caked on poop, but it looks like Bumblefoot/Pododermatitis. Apply an ointment to the feet. Keep them on clean dry bedding.
For the poop ball on the toe see if it will come off with a little soaking. Careful about prying it off since skin can tear.

Sounds like they have a nice place now, so with some dust bathing and with you giving them special care, I hope things turn out fine for you.

Maybe others that do keep Quail will see your post and be able to chime in with some care tips.

Good Luck!

Not sure if you've seen this article, but it may be helpful. https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...-issues-and-keeping-your-quail-healthy.67379/
I’m guessing she’s bald on her belly because she was in a damp living situation. I’ve had some get that on their bellies when we have long wet spells and they all prefer to wallow around in muddy mess than stay in the dry boxes and hides. If you give her a good clean dry place to live it will probably feather over again.

To soak mines feet if they get messy, I put about an inch of water in a small plastic bin and I put the bird in to wade around for a while, you may need to cut away some of those hard masses as you soften them.
my quail have the same thing just not so bad did you figure out what was wrong
I thought that it was because birds dont really have feathers on the center of the chest but if its actually a problem id like to address it

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