

5 Years
Dec 12, 2016
Erie PA
Hi. I recently did wellness checks on all my birds and found 5 with what I thought was bumble foot. I didnt get a picture of the worst one but here are a few pics.
but when I cut into them there is no puss or kernel. It just looks like this

Am I doing something wrong or should I just leave this alone?
Looks like Bumblefoot to me.
Are you wanting to know how to do the "surgery" to help cure it?
Ive tried doing 3 in the last 2 days. I got down to the bottom of the scab but it wasn't gross. I massaged and squeezed but nothing came out.
Did you soak the foot really well before trying to remove the plug?
There are two general methods for treating bumblefoot, one is surgical where the plug/kernel is cut out by cutting into the healthy tissue around it. The second method is less invasive and requires no cutting, and I'm going to give you a link to that. It is my personal preferred method. But you have to soak the foot to soften the scab and the plug before removing so requires a little time an patience. Not knowing exactly how you did your removal this is the best advice I can give you. I would let the feet rest on those you have done, and try softening and using the non-surgical method on one you haven't done yet and see if it goes better. Hope the link helps.
I did soak it for 20 min and in between digging on my first one because I was nervous. The girls weren't limping but a couple were really swollen. I actually read that link last night. I'll order some and try it I think. This all started because my favorite girl started limping. I checked her foot and there was a tiny scab on her toe. I soaked and went to do surgery but it was just a scab not bumble. Its still swollen and getting worse every day. I can't figure out if theres an antibiotic I can buy and give her. Starting to really worry and going to call vet tomorrow but I don't know if they take chickens and dont really need a huge vet bill right now. Ugh. I love her and really wanted babies from her this spring so I'll pay it but I wish I could help her myself. Thanks for the help guys.
Just want to keep updating this because I've come across more people with this problem. I think its more a newbie unable to dig far enough for the kernel thing. Ive decided to soak every foot with any little scab on it in Epson salt, brush clean as much of the scab as I can and then pack it with antibiotic ointment and wrap well. I am going to check and clean them again every other day and see what happens. Wish me luck!

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